Killer Photo Part 3
Read Count : 213
Category : Adult
Sub Category : Horror
**Please over look grammatical errors, spelling and typos. It's still a work in progress ** Alex took the first shift driving, she didn't mind it. She traveled a lot during her years in college so she was comfortable behind the wheel. She was quiet and driving allowed her to separate herself from the various conversations in the group. Mac rode shotgun. He was always drinking so we never let him behind the wheel. Mac just sat silently watching the road disappear underneath us, he was a good match to keep Alex company on the drive. Kevin broke out his guitar and began playing us a song he wrote earlier. His music was always so emotional stirring up past memories. Through his lyrics he poured out his soul, and his soul was broken and we could all feel his pain through his words. Evol laid spread out on the back bed snoring as soon as he hit the sheets. I guess this is the “party” he was eager to get started. Sam and Danny sat together at the table playing cards and being flirtatious as usual. Sam laughed as Danny spoke. To her he was hilarious and he ate up the attention she gave him. I sat staring out the window allowing my imagination to try and predict the upcoming events. I was excited about our trip, but something inside me felt a little apprehensive about it all. I always had these “feelings” and I learned to trust them, so this made me a bit nervous. I chose to push them aside and just enjoy our time together instead. I would later come to regret this decision. After about an hour or so on the road I needed to stretch and Mac needed somewhere to recline and sleep. We switched spots, he reclined back in the chair and put his hat over his head while I went up to sit with Alex. I kissed her quickly before sitting down. I loved watching her drive,there was something so sexy about her confidence as she effortlessly drove this RV, it oozed in everything she did. God I loved her. Alex and I had been friends for 25 years. I was unhappily married when we met. I felt something between us from the moment I looked into her eyes. Never in my life have I had an attraction like that, there were no words to explain it. I tried to fight these feelings I had, I didn't understand what I felt. For years we stayed friends and I never told anyone how I felt about her. I mean even if I wanted to, I couldn't even explain it myself. After three kids it was time for me to be happy and take a chance at real love. It was as though she was quietly waiting for me. Our lives together seemed to happen so effortlessly. We raised my three kids and had a wonderfully simple life. We were active in the PTA and we shared carpool duty. We hid our secret life well because the bake sale moms would not be so welcoming had they known our dark secrets. After another hour and a half on the road Mac was still snoring and Sam got up and went to go lay down next to Evol on the bed. She snuggled up next to him and began kissing his neck, he awoke from his sleep and he naturally responded lovingly. He was always so sweet with her. Maybe it was due to spending most of his life locked up with men, or maybe because he had been a mama's boy and always felt guilty for letting her down. He will never forgive himself for being in prison when she died. I got excited as I watched them through the rear view mirror. Evol soon pulled Sam on top of him and she bent down to kiss him, her dark hair fell beside her as her lips pressed down on his. From my angle I could only see Evol’s tattooed hands grabbing on to her ass. Sam sat back up and took off her shirt and tossed it to the floor. Evol took it upon himself to unhook her bra, he also tossed it on the floor. He quickly sat up and put her breasts in his mouth, he was going back and forth from her breasts to her lips kissing her. I can hear her faint moans and I got a little excited. I always liked watching all of them with her, especially Alex. I never felt the need for a sexual relationship with Sam, but I enjoyed having her around and I loved the dynamic she brought to the group. A half hour had passed and we needed to stop for gas. As we pulled into the station everybody woke up and started to stretch. It reminded me of my kids, every time the soothing purr of the engine stopped they would wake instantly. Sam and I ran into the quick mart to get snacks while Alex filled the tank. Kevin, Danny, Mac and Evol walked up the road to find a foreground that worked with the gorgeous fall clouds that had appeared over the last couple of hours. Sam and I dropped the snacks off in The Death Star and I grabbed my camera to join the guys. As I walked off Alex was moving the RV to the parking area to wait for us. After a long drive Sam was what Alex needed to release some tension. I am very familiar with Alex's rough ways and Sam craved it. There was something so exhilarating about being bent over the table by a strong woman and fucked like you've never been before, which is what Alex was known for. Sam loved the attention she got from everyone, she was a very sexual person and she had a fire in her that was impossible to resist. Her and Alex together turned me on more than anyone could imagine.