The Box Read Count : 155

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
What a nice day out side. Bethany ssid as she hade waited for her friends to come over to get mansion.ding dong as the door bell rangs bethany opened the door there were 12 girl but one more had came. Um who are you bethany said with a curious face. Of this is my long lose sister said acid smileing at her.  Half an hour later the light when out we heard flower scream and then quiets after flower scream the lights turn back on amd we a knife in acid sister hand. Omg  why do you have a knife said bethany looking scared we look down and there was a cutting plate on her hand then she was cutting a pizza then the light turn out but this time we did hear a scream we heard a chocking noise after it hade ended the light cams back on amd we saw shins  hanging  on the ceiling we all ran to bethany room acid sister gave her a little box that she tho was a doll the light when out again and we pointed the flashlight at acid sister it was maddie turn but not just maddie it was maddie and lixl turn 5 mins later they scream as a axe was being hit in there necks  the killer only had six to go as we ran to the bathroom heart got pushed down the stairs and died now the killer only has 5 to go.  then the twins star and light got stabed now the killer only had 4 to go bethany,skylar,acid,gold,and acid sister ran into the woods.then gold and skylar died cause well there dumb and hey touch tue fire and burned bethany acid and her siater was left beathany,acid and her sister had ran back to the house for the cell phone then acid when to the bathroom then while acid was in the bathroom  bethany was allreasy dead when acid walked out she saw bethany deas then the walked to her sister and killed her.  The dolls one girl had a doll and died with it. THE ENDπŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ put in the commet what story you what me to do next πŸ€—πŸ€—


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