Reflection Over A Free Meal Read Count : 247

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
As I'm sitting here at the Salvation Army waiting for my table to be called up, I notice a lot of people are also waiting. All from a different walks of life. Different ages, races, beliefs, types and so on. Observing them as they wait along with me, I wonder: If all these people (me included) were to meet each other elsewhere, would they still regard each other As they do now? Would they be as kind to one another? Or is that the fact of hunger and lack of food in our kitchens the only thing that we have in common with each other? Unfortunately, I believe that hunger is the only thing that binds us under the roof of this semi-militant House of God. Then As I ponder this immediate conclusion, I slowly question my former answer. What other things that we have in common? I know that it being summer time, I see lots of children, so I must assume that one or both of their parents are present also. I see women and plenty of men. And as I look I see lots of similarities, surprisingly more than differences. Then I thought of celebrities and people of power and wondered if one was to walk in here, how would they see us? Would they have pity or disdain in their eyes as they saw the small horde of people trying to survive through this noon hour. Would they think less of us because their purse is more heavy than ours? Would in their mind, drop to their knees and thank God or whoever they worshiped that they did not share our lot? But in all actually, what is the biggest difference between us? Paper. Little green and white paper. They have accumulated more Federal I.OU. 's than all of us combined. So really other than that, not much else. Then I think, When we were born, were we born poor?, rich?, a teacher ?, a construction worker?, a volunteer ? an actor, No, we were all born the same: Naked, crying, screaming and scared. Another words ladies and gents: Human. So why do we put so much stock in our differences? Why cant we try to see what makes us the same? People of financial well- endowment: News Flash: The way the world is going, job losses, the slow process of our lose of freedoms, more people being homeless, and according to the new as of late: Big Brother's hand reaching further into our personal lives. Now it is a crime to be a human being. People of wealth: ask yourself this? : With not many people affording to go see and buy your movies or songs or buy from your companies (because in all actually you depend on us to like your performance, your work, place of business) how long do you think it will be until you are sitting here beside me at the Salvation Army? Think about it. I know there are some of you that are not full of themselves and do see others no matter how much is in their pocket as equals. I am talking of the ones that see being poor as a virus. What truly makes you better than us? Are we so different? If you were dying and need my blood to live, would you take it? Or even then would it not be good enough for you? I am a person who is living day to day, working on my own project so maybe I can provide better for my children. If God smiles upon me and I make it, I will make sure that I never forget where I came from and to treat others as equals. 

So In conclusion; As I am getting ready to leave to go home from the church, I look around again. Some people have left, others still eating. All have been fed. I realize that I love humanity. In all forms. I may not like you, but its not because you are rich, poor, black, white, man, woman, gay, straight, Republican, Democrat, Christian, Muslim or any of the other stupid petty differences we obsess about. It's because you carry yourself in a bad way or we just clash. It happens. But even though I may not like you, I still love you. Why? Because you are human and My God say “ love thy neighbor as yourself....” -Mark 12:31. Why hate and fight each other when it seems we might all someday be in the same boat? Remember: Another thing we have in common; We all have to eat.


  • Mike Prokop

    Mike Prokop

    love this writing! very true

    May 16, 2017

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