Behind The Curtain Read Count : 190

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
In the Kingdom of Hell, The Dark One sits on a throne of souls. Some he bought, others they came willingly. His face has a look of malice. His right eye missing. He wears the attire and face paint of the pharaohs of old. A cane in his right hand a whip in his left, he rules darkness. As I see him, I know now where greed, vanity and hate leads you. It leads to him and eternal servitude in causing destructive chaos. I now wonder why so many give their souls to him? Is coin, fame, beauty that much worth it? To let your soul be ruled by him? One must be callous to want such a fate. There is no death with him. There is only pain and wrath. I feel sorry for them. If they only knew what I did. To see his face, is to see eternal fire. Yet, I believe there is hope for the fallen and sold. But first, one in such a position must ask themselves, what are they willing to do for their freedom? Will they sacrifice their ego for their soul's return? Or are the trinkets worth more than their soul's future? I now leave this to you. What is your choice? Redemption or another soul for the throne?


  • May 07, 2017

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