Keep It Real Read Count : 134

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Relationships

I was in the sitting area talking to Frank and Mary Jean. They both live in the Bapist Manor, a retirement community right at the feet of the Channel 8 News station here in the Hyde Park area. It had started raining so I came over here to chill out. They welcomed me and it seemed I had stumbled into the middle of a debate they were having about the best way to eat Rice Krispies.

Frank said, "The milk has to be ice cold. So cold you can feel it through your dentures." And he throws back his head with a whistful look in his eyes. "Then you put blueberries in there. The more the better! The way those blueberries bust and squirt flavors all into your mouth is almost orgasmic!"

Mary Jean give a loud snort "You go on and on about blueberries, Frank! An whose gonna orgasm eating a durn bowl of cereal. Not you, that's for damn sure!!!" She pulled out a pack of cigarettes and shook one out. I couldn't hold back my laughter.  She went on to say, "I prefer Great Grains. Now that's a cereal that is full of different flavors with all the pecans, raisins, and different grains." I shared how much I like Cocoa Pebbles. I wasn't sure how to interpret the look they gave me. Since neither of them busted my chops for it I pulled out a cigarette of my own and fired up.

After an polite moment Frank turns to Mary and says, "I got to buy me a couple of shirts, I don't know if you'd like to come with me to the store but I'm offering to take you."

Mary looks up from squinting at her phone and looks directly at Frank for a moment. I could see a smile dancing in her eyes but she only replied cooly, "Sure Frank, but not in the rain."

Others came, chatted for a while, and went. They we're well greeted and the conversations flew covering so many different things. I sat and listened, and every now and then I'd very carefully add a comment or insert an idea. Nothing else about cereal was mentioned but the range of topics went all over the place.

It was a good place out of the rain but my attention kept going back to the interplay between Frank and Mary. Watching them and listening to the easy rapore they have, the cutting remarks, though delivered without filter, were obviously received with openness and joy. These were people who lived the smile on their face. 

When what is inside of you matches what's on the outside that is the greatest example of transparency. They were both beautiful.


  • Feb 27, 2019

  • Feb 27, 2019

  • Feb 27, 2019

  • Feb 28, 2019

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