Pride Read Count : 156

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
A sin; Deadly!
It is said, Pride is the absence of humility.
Yet without it, there is only humiliation.

A creation; Deadly!
It is said, Pride is the root of all evil.
Yet without it, evil prevails.

A blight, Deadly!
Self-Love Suppressors demean and degrade
Yet supporters of Pride still Rise and parade!

True pride,
Just Love, Not Deadly!
Narcissism and Bigotry are masquerading,
Supremacist loathing in Pride's clothing.


  • Maurice  Beres

    Maurice Beres

    Pride is an important component of our emotional makeup 🦋if kept in perspective it can be supportive and motivational 🦋🦋🦋🦋

    Feb 26, 2019

  • Feb 26, 2019

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