O And Z Read Count : 45

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
You know, before I didn’t believe in love, life and happiness. I was dark person until the Norwegian light didn’t open my eyes. My baby boy is 20yrs and I am 19. We meet on facebook. I was 12 then and we are both Elvis Presley fan. We had a great time, texting really much. Then he decided to meet me. After 7 years friendship on internet, he really wanted to meet me. I was surprised. And he did! He meet me for the first time in 2016. And now we are together. It’s distance relationship. We can see each other on winter and summer holiday. He lives in Norway and I live in Serbia (Yugoslavia). He is really tall and blond, I am really small and I am brunette.I just came yesterday home and I miss him really much. Many friends has told me that my boy is cheating on me. No, he don’t. I know that really well. I feel what he feel, I always know when he is sad or happy. I go to school, he go to work. Distance relationship is a big test, and soon we gonna make it and I am sure.


  • Feb 24, 2019

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