Broken Hearted Written By Shaquisha Danielle Crawford Read Count : 139

Category : Stories

Sub Category : YoungAdult

When I first met the love of my life man I felt like can't nobody tell me shit on what I can or can not do it all started march 5 2017 I was on block doing what I do best making that 💰 and I felt gud even though I was a lil upset but i still felt gud so I treated myself and went to go get my nails done that's when my ex wife called trying go off on me and then my friend had came into the nail salon to me and she was hearing her go bad on me and she starting going off on her to then I Hurd a guy voice and I was like. At sis who that talking outside so I peeked my head around tithe corner and thats when I seen him and she said oh that's my brother gigga I said oh Lord. She was like what I said girl nothing that Biggs fine as he'll but he a pimp. She told me no but I knew he was cause I can tell a pimp when I seen one he didn't have to say it I just knew so I tried my best to avoid him stay away from him not speak to him. But it didn't matter because he wud still be ryte there looking at smiling and waiving at me until this one day I had to drop off my ex Bitch shit to here and I was fina walk all the way down Dere so I told my friend that i be no she was mobile where you going I told her I got to from this bytch shut to her and I be bk and she start laughing like girl you know he said he wanted to holla at you for a lil bit so that's your excuse to make a run from it I said pretty much lol she said aite girl if I was you I wud talk to him he ain't gone hurt you or do nothing to you that's you don't want to do my brother hella cool just think bout it I said ok.i giggled and said ok and started walking off he was like sis where your friend going she saod she fina walk and drop off her ex bytch shit to her and he was like she fina walk my friend said yea he was like fuck that sis tell lol baby I'll give her a ride I said ok and my friend called me and I was like yea wasp she says my brother said do. You want a ride cause he dont want you to be walking by urself at this time of night. So I took the ride.


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