Snowy Undertaker (Based On Black Butler) Read Count : 99

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure

Chapter 1


A small, fragile girl was left to rot on the streets. She was only ten years old. No one knew who she was nor what she was. The people of London only walked passed the girl without a single thought of helping the poor child. They only passed by, branding their faces of discomfort and unbearable emotions.

The girl didn't say nor do anything but stand against the wall screaming empty words that never been heard. Days become to weeks, weeks become to months. Then, at the edge of death. The girl was finally recused, but her savior wasn't what she was expecting. But it didn't matter cause to her, she felt free of all suffering for the very first time.

"Why, hello little one. You look paler than ghost. *Cackled*" Chuckled creepily from the stranger.

This strange person place their thin fingers across the girl's flimsy arm. The girl did only nothing, lost the ability to move. The stranger then lifted the little girl with their arms and took her away.

The girl felt so ever weak, she couldn't even lift a finger. Her eyes went heavy, and her body temperature went to new level of cold. Then the girl started feel warmth, it was sudden. It was something that the little girl never experience before since she was still a baby.

She opened her tiny, little eyes. The girl felt soft fabric on her finger tips. She smelled sent of dry blood in the air. Footsteps were heard to the girl, they were approaching closer and closer towards her.

"Ah~ my, my. I see your finally awake. Gotta to admit, I thought you would ever awaken." Spoken the stranger with relief.

"Ah-- da-- ah da!" The girl muttered.

"Oh. So she can't exactly speak, can she?" The stranger crackled while place spectacles on the girl's face.

The girl's eyes widen, she felt the coldness of the material from the spectacles. What she once saw only darkness, suddenly became all clear when the spectacles was placed on her face. As long she can even remember, she can only black. Cause the girl was born blind.

"Ba! Ba Ba! *Laughter*" the girl clapped her hands with glee.

Another new experience to the girl, she actually felt... happy. She can finally see, but unknown to how. The girl could see the stranger and tilted her head in confusion.

The stranger was a man wearing black robes and hat. He long, spiky, sliver hair covering his eyes. He reached out and petted the small girl head with skinny fingers. He showed a wicked grin to the girl, and then the girl pulled both of her cheeks to try do the same smile.

"*Cackled* Are trying to smile like me? Why, isn't that funny. *Cackled*"

"Da? Da... da? Dada!" The little girl cheered.

"Dada? I'm not your father, you silly." He exclaimed while tapping on the nose.

"Dada! Dada! Dada! *Laughter*" the girl carried on cheering, waving her arms in the air.

"*Sighed* Alright dear, time to calm down. Aren't you hungry?" The man said, presiding a bowl of hot soup.

The girl's stomach growled of the look and smell of soup. She reached out for the bowl but the man stop her. He grabbed a spoon and scooped some soup then placed it in the girl's hand. The girl looked at the man confused, then looked at the soup in the spoon.

Her stomach growled again, then without hesitation. She ate the spoonful of soup, along with the scoop part of the spoon.

"*Gulped* Dada? Blah ba? *Burped* *Laughter*"

"My, my. Real hungry one, now ain't cha. *Cackled*"

"Blah blah Dada! *Laughter*"

•••Twenty Years Later•••

"Undertaker! We are you?!" Shouted a little boy wearing a eyepatch.

"Hmm~ it seems like he's not home." Spoke a man in a butler uniform.

"That's nonsense, why would he let his shop open unless he's here?" Yelled the boy towards the butler.

The butler bended down and hushed the boy.

"What is it?" Ask the boy.

"It seems we're not alone." Replied the butler, pointing at a keratin door at the back of the room.

Fated light flashed through the keratin. When the flashing stop, footsteps were heard.

"Undertaker? Is that you?" Spoke the butler.

As the footsteps grew closer, a hand paired out of the keratin. And walked out woman wearing a white dress and white spectacles.

"Oh! Hello there! Welcome, I'm sorry the Undertaker just went an hour ago. Knowing him, he'll be back any time now." Spoke the woman.

Both the boy and butler were mes

Then the front door creak open, the boy and butler turned around to see the Undertaker.

"*Cackled* My lord and mister butler came for little visit."

"Undertaker, we need your assistant with this investigation." Spoke the boy in a proper manner.

"*Cackled* Of  my lord, but first things first." Said the Undertaker.

"Sebastian..." the boy turn to his butler and then walked outside closing the door behind him.

"Huh? What's going on?" Spoke the confused woman.

"Non'thing you need love, you can go to your room while daddy is talking to our costumers."

"But father!"

"Ah, ah, ah~ what did I say?"

"*Sighed* No exudes until I finish one chore~"

"Good girl." The Undertaker said while petting the woman head.

The girl pouted, bowing her down towards her father then to the butler named Sebastian. She walks out of the room, but over hears ever word of their conversation. She cover her mouth, trying not to burst out laughing. But she failed and was over heard by both men.

"So, that's your daughter?" Asked Sebastian.

"I see she has your sense of humor." He added.

"*Cackled* She is such a pretty flower isn't she?" The Undertaker complimented.

"She sure is. Where did found her, if I may ask?"

"*Cackled* I found the poor thing standing against for a couple of months."

"Why? How did she got there in the first place?"

"Don't have clue. She is a mystery, she is. *Cackled*"

The front door opens and the boy storms in yelling.

"Sebastian! Aren't you done yet?!"

"Yes, my lord."

The boy calmed a bit, then realized the women was no longer in room. He was sure he heard her laughter. Then the woman swaying herself on ceiling in front of the small boy.

"*Sniffed* Your thirteen. *Sniffed* A noble. *Sniffed* And a contractor." She said while sniffing the boy.

"What do you think your doing?!" The boy screamed in panic.

The woman swings down and noticed the ring of his thumb. She circles the boy, taking the ring without him noticing. Then walked up to Sebastian and sniffed him too.

"*Sniffed* Your a butler but, you stink of demon. *Sniffed* Does that mean this boy is you master?" The woman asked.

"Why, yes he is. He is indeed my master until I finally eat his soul." Sebastian replied in a dark, deep voice.

The woman doesn't fades, she only takes his hand and took off his glove. Revelling Sebastian's contract mark. The woman lends down and smells his hand. But then Sebastian pulled away his hand and replaced his glove.

"Being demon and butler? Your life must be tough, considering your a Phantomhive servant." The woman said plainly.

"Hold on, how did you know that?" Spoke the small boy.

"Your ring. It smells like Phantomhive candy. The Phantomhive candy has a particular scent, so that's how. You can have your ring back by the way." The woman said while passing the ring to it's rightful owner.

"Wait, how did you manage to get my ring without me noticing? And you, Sebastian why didn't you tell me about this?" Roared the boy, frustrated pointing at the butler behind the woman in front of him.

"Because my lord, I was curious what she was planning to do the ring. Do not threat, if she did plan taking the ring then I'll would simply take it back with ease." Sebastian replied calmly, hand covering his right side of his chest.

"I doubt that fact. You may be a demon, but even for you it will find some difficulties. Until she gets her hands on something, I'll mostly take a week to let it go." The Undertaker explained with a huge grin on his face.

"Father, are these the people you kept talking about?" The girl said while jogging behind her shady looking father.

"Yes Snowy, they are. So be careful when your around them, got it?" Said the Undertaker, stroking Snowy's head.

Snowy nodded her head in acceptance and curiousity. She stared at the small boy shocked.

"Oh. That little fella is Celia, Celia Phantomhive." Said The Undertaker, pointing at the eyepatch boy.

Snowy stared at her father then turn her glance towards Celia, still shocked. This made Snowy confused. She used to do silly faces when she was child but not as long as Celia had.

"Mr. Celia, why are you showing such a strange face?" Snowy asked sweetly.

"Your... his... daughter?" Celia stuttered.

"*Nodded* Yes, why? Is it strange?" Snowy asked once again.

"It's just surprising, I never knew the Undertaker had a daughter."

"Really? But I am well known to this city, you must've heard about me once."

"Sorry, but I haven't."

"Understandable. Knowing a noble like yourself wouldn't have the time to meaningless rumors from lower commoners. *Bowed* I'm sorry for asking." Snowy spoked, all most if she was a noble.

"Uh... *Nervous Coughing* it's fine."

The Undertaker left the room and came back with bag filled of Snowy things. He gave to Snowy.

"Father, what's this?"

"I'm allowing you to stay with lord Phantomhive. *Sobbed*"

"Really?!" Snowy cheered a little.

"What! When did I said you can just let your daughter stay in my mansion?!" Growled Celia in rage.

"I can't believe, that my lil baby is all grown up. *Sobbed*" The Undertaker said while whipping his tears, ignoring Celia entirely.

"Hey! Don't you ignore me!" Yelled Celia.

"Father, are you crying?"

"Only a little love. But that's okay, you don't need to worry. *Sobbed*

After that Snowy become a Phantomhive maid.

•••One Hour Later•••

"Welcome home young master!" Greeted the Phantomhive servants.

Celia passed them with just a couple of words.

"We have a new maid. I expect you lot to treat her well and show her around. Show what it means to be a Phantomhive servant."

"Yes master!" The servants responded.

And walked out the carriage was Snowy wearing a long maid uniform.

"Ah'llo there! Name is Snowy, Snowy Undertaker! It's honor."





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