Category : Stories
Sub Category : Fantasy
I tried my level best and went back to my nostalgic times and for a moment felt that I was sitting in the same last bench of my class room in my college. I am a josephite and was a student of St. Joseph's college and after 20 long years all that I could remember is that one sentence of my Economic's professor, he use to say ALWAYS AIM THE HIGHEST AND EXPECT MORE. I use to innocently answer him SIR, WE WON'T GET ALL THAT WE EXPECT. He use to tell me SEE IF YOU AIM AT THE HIGHEST EXPECTING MORE, EVEN IF YOU WOULD GET HALF OF IT, ISN'T IT SELF SUFFICIENT. Now those who are reading my article would think WHY IS THE PERSON TALKING ABOUT THIS THINGS NOW Because I have a reason.
My friend told me that using JESUS and SATAN together is disliked by many. So please select one of them. I thought it is like saying SELECT ONE OF YOUR EYES. Anyone would desire to see the world in both the eyes. Like that the world has both. I now find it harder to leave both of them. It has become impossible to leave them and somehow I don't write to increase my followers base nor to attract anyone and more over it is tough to stand lonely with them. Somehow the world doesn't have time to put their names in writing for they are in search of something really amazing and I find this types of characters amazing and they are like my superheroes. So I am sorry certain things are really bad to leave for they are born with the soul
Welcome back JESUS and SATAN. From now onwards I will stay with you as your humble fellow man. Please accept my request.
JESUS: I know certain things can't be changed, it comes by birth and ends with death. This quality of yours will surely take you to greater levels in the future.
SATAN: Well said CHRIST. The one who can unite us definitely can't be a normal person because this person has tried to do that thing which will teach the coming future that LIFE NEEDS BOTH THE TYRES TO RUN SMOOTHLY ON THE LONG JOURNEY OF PUZZLED LIFE. WITHOUT ONE ANOTHER CAN'T MOVE AND IT IS THE FATE OF THE WORLD THAT EVERYTHING RUNS ON BOTH OF THIS THINGS LIKE U AND ME.