Listening 2/21/19
Read Count : 51
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Listening is the key to communicationIt’s not just for informationIt’s a way to understandWhat’s the person ‘s emotional standIt’s the speake’s genuine viewThan can help join the both of youThe topic is often intenseYou should listen with sharpened senseEye contact an important partCan help the contact right from the startAn important element to enhanceThe understanding with a glanceIts important to rememberThe process works two waysWhen you both correctly listenIt makes for better daysAs far as other topicsWether casual - commercial or suchYou decide the way to listenIf the subject interests you muchThe purpose of this subjectIs to make you all awareThat listening is vitalTo relationships that are rareSo when you next encounterThe one that you desireAlong with other factorsYou may just light that fire