Listening 2/21/19 Read Count : 51

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Listening is the key to communication 
It’s not just for information 
It’s  a way to understand 
What’s the person ‘s emotional stand

It’s the speake’s genuine view
Than can help join the both of you
The topic is often intense
You should listen with sharpened sense

 Eye contact an important part 
Can help the contact right from the start
An important element to enhance 
The understanding with a glance 

Its important to remember 
The process works two ways 
When you both correctly listen 
It makes for better days

As far as other topics 
Wether casual - commercial or such
You decide the way to  listen
If the subject interests you much

The purpose of this subject
Is to make you all aware
That listening is vital
To relationships that are rare

So when you next encounter 
The one that you desire 
Along with other factors 
You may just light that fire


  • Feb 22, 2019

  • Feb 22, 2019

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