Kiss From A Rose Read Count : 80

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance

   She walked towards a bridge on a cold, rainy night. The lightning struck, but it took a while for the thunder to sing after. The waves of the river below crashed beneath her as she reached the bridge, and she stopped to watch. The pitter-patter of the rain was of great comfort to her. It helped her forget about the day's troubles. The lightning flashed, and the thunder cracked once more. She sighed in relief as the rain blessed her hands, and only in the rain did the air seem so pure. In the distance, she heard the steps of another person coming near. She was nervous at first when she saw that it was a man approaching her side, but he did nothing. Instead, he stood beside her leaned on the bridge, watching the river aswell. "Bonjour, madam," he said, breaking the silence. She was a little startled and said, "Uhm, h-hello." "Do you often come here," he asked. She said, " No. This is my first time here." He smiled at her and said, "I see. Y'know, this is where you can find me every time the rain visits. It is where I seek solace from the world." She gazed at him and was somehow mesmerized by his words. She spoke back and said, "It's beautiful here." "Indeed, it is m'lady, " he replied. For a moment, he walked off, and when he came back, held out his hand. Between his fingers, the stem of a beautiful rose was hidden. He gave it to her and said, "For you, my fair lady." She was speechless and took the rose from his hand. He then took her hand and kissed it gently. At that very moment, the rain had stopped. "Until next time, my dear," he said and left her on the bridge.


  • Feb 21, 2019

  • Feb 22, 2019

  • A sweet kiss and a sweet Rose for a sweet girl

    Feb 23, 2019

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