The Blind Side Read Count : 66

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Horror

In Brooklyn, New York in 1956, there was a boy named John. He suffered with mental problems and got mad fast. He was different because he handled things differently. Everybody in the class was afraid to talk to him. However, one day the teacher decided to give a group project and pit people in groups. John was grouped with Chad, a person who was terrified of John. So when it was time to work, they just looked at each other. When Chad said "well... " he was cut off immediately from John and John asked "Is there a problem?" Chad said no with a scared quiet voice. However, this just pissed off John more. John asked "Why are you scared Chad?  Is it because I'm different?". John said that with a mean powerful voice. Chad responded with a yes but to soft for him to here. "WHAT?!" He screamed to the top of his lungs as the whole class and teacher looked in the direction they were. The teacher called John up and told him to apologize. John put his hand on the desk,  rolled his eyes and made a stink mouth and mumbles sorry. Chad said nothing. When class finished Chad  immediately went to his friends to tell them about what happened when John popped out of nowhere. John asked "You talking about me?" Chad scardly walked away. John followed him to the teacher. Before he got to knock on the classroom door, John punched him in the head. John then carried him to the bathroom and drowned him. The next class was about to start. The teacher was taking attendance and when she noticed that Chad wasn't there, she told everyone that they were going to check the school to see where Chad was. They went to the bathroom and found Chad's lifeless body there on the ground. The teacher was shocked so she called the police. The police looked at the footage from the school cameras and found out that is was John killed Chad. The next day school opened back up and classes continued. The police arrived and knocked on John's classroom door. The policeman asked to see John for a few minutes outside. The teacher allowed them to talk to him. The policeman was not planning on being nice to John. As soon as John stepped out of the classroom the policeman grabbed him and put him in cuffs. There was so much noise that the teacher looked outside the door and saw John get carried outside of the school. The policeman returned and headed in the classroom. The policeman said "Your classmate John will be gone for quite a while because he is the one who murdered Chad." The class was shocked and as he walked out of the class everyone started talking about the situation. The teacher felt guilty because she put Chad in that situation where he had to work with John. The policeman Carrie's John back to the police department where they question him on his behavior in school. They then asked the main question did he kill Chad. John said no but the policeman wasn't buying it. The policeman said "Enough with the crap, just confess, I have evidence, video evidence that you committed the crime and I am more that happy to send you to jail and make them teach y ok u how real bad boys behave and let them fix you straight." The policeman brought John to his holding cell and made he stay there for the night. The police department called his mom and informed her on the situation. When she arrived she broke into tears seeing her son in a cell however John just smiled and said "Pretend that you love me now after all you did." The policeman interrupted him and said "Shut up, you have no business to talk to her that way she is not the reason that you are in here." His mom walked up to the cell and asked "Where have I gone wrong?" John said nothing and she left. The day has come, it was t ik me for John to go to court and by the looks of it things weren't in his favor. The policeman showed the video evidence and other pieces of evidence that convinced the jury that he was guilty. The jury said they find him guilty and the judge sentenced him to 15 years in prison with the chance of bail after 6 years in jail. After the 6 years, John was never heard from again.


  • Sana  Raza

    Sana Raza


    Feb 19, 2019

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