Entertainment And Art. Read Count : 54

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

There is a difference between creating entertainment and creating art. 

To call yourself an artist you have to dig deep within and create something out of the honest expression. 

It will be understood, yet misunderstood. 

The expression to be right or wrong is nonexistent when art is created by an individual artist. 

To judge honest expression purely generated by someone with so much more passion than you are pathetic. 

Yes, pathetic because they vulnerably exposed thoughts locked away to be free so they may finally move forward with the acceptance that being you is exactly who you should be. 

Respect each other’s opinion, even if you disagree. That idea verbalized by someone you thought was stupid might just end up being some sort of miracle changing the world and you’re left looking like a fool because you do not believe that anything is possible because you, yourself must know it all. 

Just because something doesn’t quite quench your thirst or tickle your fancy doesn’t mean you take a double dose of self-righteousness and say someone or something is wrong. 

Just because someone isn’t precisely like you doesn’t give you the right to spread your stench like persona to tell someone is wrong when they are experiencing pure happiness in such moments. 

Human beings express emotion throughout various types of spectrums, even some only the individual can understand. 

That is art. 

Human beings have learned so much over time due to clear minds, open minds. 

Some Human beings have had so much fear instilled in them from countless reasons like having parents abusing them for being themselves, using religion to control them with the fear of “Hell.” and much more I’m sure I don’t know. 

To be honest, it’s the self-righteous ones judging us artists that quite honestly to us, textbook entertainment. 

Artists have defeated, artists have achievements. Throughout these life experiences, we chose to dig deep.

We surfaced our inner selves openly and it wasn’t just to make a statement. 

So judge us, look down upon and belittle us all you want; Seems that I’m smiling and you’re not. 

I believe that negativity is only generated within and projected out because you wish you could have the guts to stand up and say openly to others all that pain you bottle up inside. 

I believe that negativity, judgment and narrow mindedness makes you think no one else has problems. This is the most common thing you have with an artist; emotions, passion and day to day problems. 

There is a similarity between creating entertainment and creating art. 

You need to shed light on things rarely stated, sadly pushed aside; real-life issues. 

The similarity between the two is that 

Those who choose to listen to what someone has to say and give them a chance to be heard, seen or even just helped truly gives the artist to express him/herself while respectfully entertaining those open to experiencing communication, expression, and originality.

Entertainment and Art. 

Mistaken to be categorized similarly but the only thing missing is open-mindedness which leads to the lack of unity. 


Those Meaningful Words. 


  • Feb 19, 2019

  • Feb 19, 2019

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