Sweet Death Read Count : 48

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

(No religious beliefs were meant to be offended in this write)

   I never knew that death was so sweet, I never knew it's cold touch would be so warm, I never knew what it concealed in its corners, and I never knew where it could really take me... 

   Hell is often associated with the Bible, which, I can see why. You have the good, Heaven, but with all that good comes the bad right behind it, Hell. A lot of people who believe in this usually think they will be going to heaven. They do "good deeds" and sing and go to church every week, but why should they have to sing and shout out to God in praise? I mean, I get it, but it's still strange to me. I personally DO believe in the power of prayer, but I do NOT believe it is the answer to everything. Sometimes, bad things must be done for the greater good. Sometimes you have to lie to protect or steal to provide or kill to relieve the world of worse people who do such things just for the hell of it. I'm not one to shove my beliefs in someone's face, never have been. I merely speak my mind honestly; it's up to you on how you take it.

   Hell is where people like me belong despite whether we praise God's name or not. We may be honest, but we do things his book despises. But ya know, that's okay because I know I'm doing something for the right reason even if it's wrong. When I die, I will await the sweet kiss of death on my cold, blue lips. I only hope the place I end up in is the place I fit in the most.


  • I'm not a religious person but I don't care where I honestly go but as long as I have that special someone in my heart or right next to me I'll be fine. but I also believe people do these things speak of as if they believe they are guilty of something some kind of sin.

    Feb 18, 2019

  • Vance McCloud

    Vance McCloud


    Feb 18, 2019

  • nice story

    Feb 18, 2019

  • Maurice  Beres

    Maurice Beres

    Don’t sell yourself short🦋you’ve got a lot of talent and what you express makes sense 🦋keep writing 🦋🦋🦋

    Feb 18, 2019

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