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This morning at the Curtis Hixon Park I had the envious task of working for the Beer Bourbon and Bar-B-Q fest. This assignment, as always, brings out the kind of crowd that is determined to have a good time and to me, just being near the laughter and gaiety, is pretty awesome. I even met Spiderman!

Since there is an admission fee to get in the entire park is fenced off for this event. A sign reads "If you were born on or before this day in 1998, you can drink here." 

By 12:00pm people were lined up for what seemed a quarter mile. A line that twisted from the Sky Point Garage over by Ashley Street, or the DP as we call it, all the way across the park front and down past the Children's Museum. 

As I was patrolling the permeter of the park I heard a couple of ladies talking about a man wearing a spiderman outfit. "His bodysuit isn't appropriate. I mean, you can see his junk! It's way too tight and he's over there entertaining the children!" 

The other woman replied, "Well, I wouldn't bring my kids here when there is so much drinking anyways."

They were still talking as I continued and sure enough, as I moved down to the children's playground right off the Riverwalk, there he was. I have to admit, after hearing their conversation I looked more critically at his costume. He was tapping away on his cell phone like any normal person, waiting his turn in line to use the bathroom. He was about 6'4", buff and as far as I could see, his outfit was pretty damn good. 

It was so good in fact, and having the tourist heart that i do, I hollered at him, "Yo, Spiderman! Can I take your pic?"

Immediately he tucked his phone away into some invisible pocket of his bodysuit and with a dramatic flare of movements, he broke down into a pose for me.

I snapped my pic and thanked him. I continued my rounds and thought, this guys is 100% into what he does. People may look down their noses at him, be critical of his flair and the antics of his role, but he doesn't seem to be phased by it the least bit. He was so transparently into what he was doing and though you couldn't see his face because of his mask, I have no doubt his features were suitably spiderlike behind it.

I was encouraged by it and am gratful to have met him. To me, he is definately the Amazing Spiderman.


  • I'm new will you be my friend

    Feb 18, 2019

  • Feb 18, 2019

  • Trust some batty ladies to notice his junk. Pfft. Why were their eyes wandering down in that direction anyway? He was there to do a job where he was obviously getting paid for. He has no say about the costume he was told to wear. Goes to show how small minded some people are. Anyway, nice writing. Even though i am more of a Superman girl, i wouldn't have minded meeting Spidey 😉

    Feb 18, 2019

  • That's a pretty cool picture

    Feb 18, 2019

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