Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
It's a long road home.
Normally these streets I roam
I like to go on walks
I walk and never want to stop
On my walks I think.
It's hot I could use a drink.
I'd rather be here then home.
At home i can't be alone
Sometimes i walk away.
I don't ever want to stay.
I go as far as i can.
To keep my distance from an old scary man.
He comes in my house
And pretends to love my mother.
Really he uses her. She needs my father's love because to her it's like no other.
I told her to stop seeing this man
She says to me he has a strong grip on her hand. I hate that man. He claims our land is his land so out I am away from this man.
He might have fooled my mother but I will not let him fool me. I'd rather sleep in a tree than be in a house with he.