GOD & GOD ONLY Read Count : 47

Category : Scripts

Sub Category : Plays

JESUS: Nice the title you have selected looks great

SATAN: I also feel this title looks cute

GODOPEDIAOLOGY: Actually this year is yet to cross 75 days without any problems and I feel it is great, so I felt like thanking ALMIGHTY GOD for this

SATAN: What's so special about that? This year is also like any other year and I don't feel that there is anything so special about this

GODOPEDIAOLOGY: Actually lots of things are happening worldwide and I am confused that's why I felt even completing 75 years is great

JESUS: So many matters around the world is disturbing you

GODOPEDIAOLOGY: No CHRIST, things are not same but lots of people doesn't want this world to be like this, they want something different and I don't know how to make them feel that WHAT EVER WE HAVE WE SHOULD GET SATISFIED WITH IT

SATAN: That means there is something that is disturbing you

GODOPEDIAOLOGY: I am not able to know how many % of people want the earth to stay the same way it is now and how many want it to change?

JESUS: First tell me what you want?

GODOPEDIAOLOGY: My friend, I don't want any problems but only peace and that too in this age all that I could expect is just peace of mind and nothing else

SATAN: And you are sure that you might get it

GODOPEDIAOLOGY: Don't know but I have got one thing more precious than peace

JESUS: What is it? My child


Both CHRIST and SATAN agree that in the whole universe it is GOD alone who is more precious than anything else. So it is no stranger that GODOPEDIAOLOGY felt that GOD is more precious than peace. That's why AFTER PERSONS DEATH THEY SAY LET THE SOUL REST IN PEACE WITH THE BLESSINGS OF ALMIGHTY GOD. The name of ALMIGHTY GOD is so precious and the one who holds it needs no introduction. 


  • nothing good can come of god

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  • Mar 17, 2019

  • Good

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  • good

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