Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I ran like the wind
Adrenaline was coursing through me
From a panic which had gripped my heart
I kept looking over my shoulder
The white of my eyes large and frightened
My legs pumping like pistons in the dark
An echo of voices floted around me
Taunting my imagination with their words
But I couldn't clearly hear what they said
I ran and ran but was going nowhere
There was no wind or sense of motion
It only deeped and enhanced my dread
I strained and strained my eyes
But there was no sense of direction
In the darkness of my flight
A whirlwind of emotions poured over me
At one point I screamed out loud
And at another, I cried
And I ran
I poured out everything
My fear had me in its grip
I knew I couldn't let it catch me
So I continued to run...
Until I tripped
A new panic wrenched my heart
The feeling of falling continued
I waited and waited to hit the ground
My arms reached out before me
But realized now that I was flying
And I could hear the voices differently
The din of noise was altered slighly
I could feel my fear subside
Their taunts were not what I perceived
The jabs at my flaws and failures
The laughter and murky words
I thought were pointing out my mistakes
Were on a different level
Everything before which had given me fear
Poured through another gate
And I awoke...