Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
As I completed my morning readingOf the WO writings it occurred to me that this has become an adventureI have traveled around the world and beyond-experienced things that I had not encountered before- met people of all backgrounds and ages and was introduced to a multitude of writingstylesWhat stands out in my mind are the number of people dealing with devastating issues and how they are coping with themSome are lamenting their situationsreluctant or unable to move in a positivedirection-others are determined to gain or regain quality in their livesWhat all have in common is the theirneed and ability to write and share theirIssuesWriting of course is valuable as a tool toshare- express and informIt is hoped that those who are strugglingare helped by this process and those who have turned the corner continue to enhance their livesThis is something that is present in thehuman spirit and motivates us toachieve for ourselves -our loved onesand for people all over the worldWO in its small-unique but vital wayis part of this process
Life is exactly that. A journey. This was my first week on WO, and I have lifted so much weight from my shoulders. Knowing that other people face their own demons, and are or have overcome them is a very nice go to place for me. I felt so alone for too long, not allowing myself to be open to others or to share my story with strangers. This journey won't end here it's just beginning. thank you for sharing your honesty and wisdom with us. We can all take a little piece of one another and become more humble. As you observed the fact that we all have in common---our need and abilities to write and share our stories is something so simple that most people find so hard or take for granted. especially myself. It is nice to know that I'm not always alone. I have chosen to give up my pride for the next few weeks in order to gain a deeper prespective on humility. because i believe the world needs more of it.
Mar 07, 2019