Cleomedes ( Based On Dungeons And Dragons) Read Count : 87

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy

Chapter 1

The World Of Nikiasu

Once upon a time, such a start for any fairy tale. Was a world we call earth, in the depths of war and carnage. Destroy every you go. To the humans of the east, to the elves of the north, to the dwarfs of west, and even to the orcs of the south.

There was nowhere to avoid violence. All hope was lost, leaving despair in its wake. Blood lost in battlefields, along with the lives of the innocence. As soldiers fallen, knights trembled, mages slaughtered. Leaving piles beyond piles of corpses stacked high, only to get trampled by marching feet.

Years passed by, every stays the same. Until the four nations finally all came together and formed a peace treaty with each other. thousands of years of war was over, was it?

Even if the treaty was made, new evil crept up from the belly below. The world of once four races turn into seven. Three new races appeared from the earth, the gnome, the halfling, and the tiefling. The race has societies about over one hundred each. And each society has a intimidating and carnivorous leaders.

Venomtink The Envious:

Leader of the gnome race. Venomtink was known for taking the heart of elves child.

Only because Venomtink desired to live forever.

He ate the heart and gaining his wish, only drowned in guilt of the sin he commented.

Through out his unlimited life, he grieves for the child.

And he'll always feel jealous, for others can die but he can't. Then one fateful night, Venomtink poison himself. Dragging him into deep, internal slumber.

Flambard The Greedy:

King of the halfling race. He was known for stealing all the gold from the dwarf mines, in one night. What Flambard didn't know, that the gold was curse.

When he took it, he was turned into a dragon.

Even in his new form, he still take. Flambard one day took a human princess and made her, his bride.

The princess was all know to the halfling race as The Dragon Maiden.

And every year the halfling race has been celebrated the day of wedding of Flambard and his lovely, most beautiful bride of all the land.

The Dragon Maiden:

The princess was known in her original kingdom as the the princess of melody.

Before her capture, the princess would sneak out of her castle to meet an halfling.

The halfling would always sing and dance for the princess, telling her magnificent stories.

One night the halfling confessed his love to the princess and promised her to give her a golden ring. The Princess excepted the halfling and waited in her castle until the halfling returned.

Amnon The Territorial:

Amnon was the ruler of the tiefling race. Amnon was known to have short tempter and for also being cunning. Once upon a time, Amnon was friend with a simple orc named Gonk. Sadly one day, Gonk betrayed Amnon.

And locked him in a cage. This betrayal caused hatred in his heart, he then snapped and burned the orc kingdom to the ground. But he was still bursting with rage he put the entire world into flames.

He told his people, eyes soaked with blood flow tears.

"Don't every trust! In specialty the other kingdoms! Don't ever trust another being other than a tiefling! Don't ever trust!"

Gonk The Orc:

Gonk was a humble orc, he wasn't interested to war nor conflict. So he was concerned as a outsider among his own people. Then he encounter a Amnon, the ruler of the tiefling race.

Gonk founded Amnon sleeping in a flowerbed. The reason Amnon was at the orc kingdom cause it was had a peaceful, quiet, comforting forest to relax in.

They started as hostile strangers, but time pass and they got closer and became dear friends. Until the betrayal.

These three leaders destroyed was once the new world order, and created another war. That lasted for many generations, ending the tiefling as the victors. The area of the tiefling started at August the eighth of 104, and ended March the first of 220.

The same day when Amnon was slayed by a hero from the humans race. The strong and courageous worrier had a alliance with a group of companies that help the worrier to defeat Amnon once and for all.

Aust The Druid High Elf

Flint The Wizard Dwarf

Lilli The Rogue Gnome

Balrook The Barbarian Orc

Andry The Bard Halfling

Together they were named the six protesters of world order. They were the Nikiasu knights.

Years of peace and prosperity passed, the knights were gone. Leaving they're leave with successors behind. Each generation, a knight would be chosen by the stars of Astrea.

But trusting on only six knights was worrisome to the world council, so the agreed to create academics for training new knights. Whatever if they were human or orc the race didn't matter. The race on the other hand was tiefling. Tiefling were considered as outsider to all races, the main reason was what happened in the years of 104 to 220.

The tiefling population shrunk massively, leaving about 50 of they're kind in the year 300. Then suddenly the population grown over six thousand, around 350 to 360. There was no knowledge of what caused his surprising of growth of tieflings. There was theory of a tiefling sorcerer or wizard used a duplicating spell to correspond they're population. But yet again, it is just a theory.

In the years 400 a race revealed themselves to the world. They were in a life of hiding cause of the wars, now they were confirmed it was the area of peace. They exposed themselves to the world as they are called lizardfolk. They are also call observers.

Chief Butoarzexl:

The leader of the lizardfolk race. Butoarzexl was known by all lizardfolk of any generation to be strong willed and very stoic. He was also very honest and very kind too. Even to the tieflings, though the tiefling were slightly aggressive at the start.

They slowly gain trust of the lizardfolk, and made an alliance with them. Butoarzexl always leans a hand to tieflings, no matter what the task may be.

The alliance between the lizardfolk and the tieflings was a shock to all kingdoms. The world council didn't know how to deal with the situation, cause they no deeper knowledge of the lizardfolk. They're choice of action was to wait and research the activity between the lizardfolk and the tieflings.

Unfortunately the council couldn't gain any of descent information, the cause the tieflings would always attack any trespassers. In result no further knowledge was known until the lizardfolk decided to greet themselves more.

Until 480's is when it was notified there was more races the world was hiding. Legends say that they are called the lost ones.

Lost Ones:

Races that are unnoticeable to the world until they reveal themselves. The first race was the lizardfolk, the next race was the goblins.

Terrible creature, that tortures they're pray before killing them. They may be seem weak, but let your guard down and it's all over.

The third race was the dragonborns. Similar as lizardfolk, they are descendants of scale based creatures. They have shaped by draconic gods or the dragons themselves, dragonborn originally hatched from dragon eggs as a unique race, combining the best attributes of dragons and humanoids.

More and more races kept showing up across the entire world. Until the whole world was known by them.

June The Sixth Of The 666

The date of birth of a child that was destined for great things.

That child's name was...






  • love it, havent played in years, but i love your theme. this is good

    Feb 28, 2019

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