Category : Articles
Sub Category : Motivation
To my family and friend's:
I would like to say thanks because you make my life beatiful.
Because you're the reazon god give me to keep dreaming and i love you!.
Because weathever i go i'll keep your love inside of my heart.
Because i know god send me angels to take care my soul.
Because i love you, like you love me!
Because i can try everyday to be successfull in my life to help you,to be the same.
Because the only obstacle in my life is my fearness that i could do somenthing if i never try to do.
Because one of the reazon to be proud to have a family like you is god.
Because never before fell more positive to do somenthing like right now.
Because i can say thanks lord and not fell fear to sayed.
Because i enjoy to pass time with my friends and family.
Just because....because..because i love!
January 28 2019.