Should I Quit Writing??? Read Count : 90

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

I have been writing recently, but no one reads what I write anymore everyone has their long run but mine was pretty short, tell me should I quit writing or keep writing


  • Keep it up. Trust me very little writings get read now but keep on going. Rome wasn't built in a day. I promise it'll get better

    Jan 29, 2019

  • Never. Always keep writing.

    Jan 29, 2019

  • Jay aLLeVi8eD

    Jay ALLeVi8eD

    I just got out of the same rut. People are funny. I know it’s cliché to say “keep writing” but, honestly that is the only way to get through it. Don’t ever stop writing. You don’t have to consider yourself “a writer” if you don’t want to be, just keep writing. There are some people who will read it and need it.

    Jan 29, 2019

  • Hi Harper, to answer your question, i have questions of my own for you to ask yourself. 1) Do you love and enjoy writing? 2) How do you feel when you write? 3) Who are you writing for, are you writing for yourself or for others? Ask yourself these questions and answer them truthfully. Once you've done that, you'll get your answer on whether you should quit or keep writing. 💜

    Jan 29, 2019

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