Morgan Leroy Read Count : 142

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

Age: 12


What she looks like. 

Tall for her age, skinny, Black wavy hair,purple eyes. 


Clothes she likes to wear? 

She loves to wear dresses. 


Does your character dream? What are they about?

Morgan dreams to one day become a designer. 


favorite food? 

Her favorite food is Apples.


What is their favorite color? 

Her favorite color is Orange. 


Do the kids in school like her or not? 

She’s very popular at her school. 


Are they interested in sports?

She plays volleyball. 


Do they have any siblings? 

She has two sisters who are both a year old.


What type of books, magazines, etc. do they read? 

She loves reading anything about knitting, sewing, or fashion. 


Do they play a musical instrument?

No, Jace had tried to teach her Guitar, but she couldn’t figure it out. 


Does your character have a best friend?

She used to be best friends with Jace, but she had to move away after her sisters were born. 


What is their first best friend like?

He’s an absolute dork. Loves playing soccer and playing guitar. Has a love for nature that she hasn’t even seen her own parents have. He’s quiet if you don’t really know him yet. 


What do they like about their friend?

She loves his fascination with nature and his desire to see it. 


Do they like to talk? Do they talk too much? Are they shy or a loner?

She talks almost all the time. Easily making friends with almost everybody. Only stops talking when she’s upset or tired. 


Does your character cry alot? Gets mad easily? Laughs easily? Make jokes?

She laughs easily and loves making jokes. 


What ‘group’ are they in during school?

She’s a popular girl in her school, but doesn’t stick with a group of girls. 


What do they want to be when they grew up–and how is that going?

She wants to be a designer. Slowly happening as she gets older. 


What are their hobbies? 





Do they play video games?



What annoys them?

Fake and arrogant people. 


What makes them laugh?

Jokes and riddles. 


Are they a dog, a cat, or an animal person?

Morgan is a dog person. 


Does your character have a pet? Want a pet?

She has a Dog Alphie. 


What season do they enjoy most?

She doesn’t know yet. 


Is your character religious? 

Yes, she is a Christian. 


What type of house do they live in?

Where do they live? City? Suburbs? Countryside? 

They live in the suburbs. 


Has your character seen the ocean?



Has your character traveled anywhere other than where they live? Would they like to travel? 

She’s been to New York once when she was 4. 


What is the worst thing your character has done?

She stole her mother’s lipstick once. 


What do they feel most passionately about?



What trait do they find most admirable in 




Do they want a job that helps people or a job that makes money?

A job that makes money. 


Are they a leader or a follower?

Morgan is a born leader. 


What scares them?

The dark 


What do they do when they’re bored?

Knits hats. 


Have they ever been in love?

Yes. Morgan loves Jace but chooses to deny it. 


Do they feel safe? Of not, who or what is causing that anxiety?

She feels safe. 


Do they look forward to growing up?



What do they want the most?

To see Jace experience nature. 


How close are they to getting what they want?

It’s unclear how far or how close she is to getting that. 


Any negative forces around your character?



Does your character have anyone to confide in?

No. She used to confide in Jace. 


Does your character look at the world as being half full or half empty?

She looks at it being half full.


  • Awesome

    Jan 27, 2019

  • Maurice  Beres

    Maurice Beres

    Sweet 🦋just wondering how many answer represent you 🦋🦋🦋

    Feb 01, 2019

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