They Didn't Build The Bridge From Here To Happiness Read Count : 271

Category : Stories

Sub Category : YoungAdult
Do you ever think about your life? All that you have accomplished and all the lives you have touched. Do you ever look at all of that and see a lie? As if all of it was for nothing. Sure, you inspired her, but did you really? How long did the inspiration last? What did it help her achieve? And does it matter anyway? You see, I found our problem. The way to have purpose and be happy is by believing. Believing in everything that surrounds us, everything that happens to us. Believing in all of these things is basically believing in God. Believing in religion and its principles and tips. The problem is, that people like you and I grew up in a world that was much more accepting. "Let them think what they want, it's fine." "Let them be themselves." "Let them be happy." Well, it's not fine. We don't know who we are. And we're definitely not happy. And that's because we don't believe. We don't believe in God or the principles of religion because no one explained the importance of it to us. And now we are skeptical. Now we are lost. It is all open. There are no rules. And so my friend, we will continue to run. We will chase that bubble of happiness forever until it bursts in our faces and we realize that it was empty all that time. And just before we die, we will look at all that surrounds us one last time and feel nothing.


  • Mar 12, 2017

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