Category : Stories
Sub Category : Adventure
Chapter 3: spy on the city hunter to stop him killing innocent people
City hunter start looking for innocent people, Deadpool hear about city hunter of Tokyo, deadpool hear Kazuma-San says to Deadpool I have a mission for you. Kazuma says I am come with you deadpool. Deadpool says why I have to do this mission? Kazuma says you need proof yourself you are the hero of Japan. Deadpool take the mission to stop city hunter. But deadpool ask Kazuma about why city hunter is criminal. Kazuma says because not any City Hunter is not the bad guy. This kill innocent people like child he don't care what his mission. Went next the Target. Deadpool ask what is face looks like? Kazuma says his face looks like Circle face. Deadpool see the same city hunter of Tokyo. Deadpool tell Kazuma about city hunter. Deadpool and Kazuma run to city hunter. They catch him and they stop him killing innocent people. All policeman come to scene went catch city hunter. The policeman says to Kazuma are catching city hunter. Kazuma says yes we are. The policeman says who help to stop city hunter. Kazuma says my friend name is deadpool. The policeman says we catch your friend before. Kazuma says I know because he tell me about. The chapter 3 end here next chapter is chapter 4. By author Sidahmed.