Luna's Newsreport Chapter 1 Read Count : 62

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
One thing about it is I remember that day like it was just yesterday, it was a very traumatizing day for me. My name is  Luna, and I am a Lullaby Fairy. You might already know this, but everything that I Yell, Whisper, or say out loud comes out in a Lullaby, & puts everyone except for other Lullaby Fairies to sleep. There is two more things I need to tell you. One of those things is that when I was younger something bad happened to my Father. The other thing is that Lullaby Fairies never ever go to sleep, the last time a Lullaby Fairy actually sang it was so strong that it killed every single Lullaby Fairy except The Royal Guards, me, & my Dad.
The night before this all happened, I was kidnapped by some Demon Fairies. They had blue-ish black-ish hair, one had a crossbow with explosives strapped to his back the other one had a bow with fire arrows strapped to his back. Did I ever tell you that fire is a Lullaby Fairy’s weakness? Well it is. The one with the crossbow pulled out a Throwing Dart, then he threw it at me I didn’t notice it at first because I was painting a picture of my Dad. The dart hit me right in between my shoulder blades, I tried to turn around but I couldn’t move. I was paralyzed. They then picked me up together and carried me to this warehouse filled with weird gadgets.


  • Sakshi Yadav

    Sakshi Yadav

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    Feb 25, 2019

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    Mar 03, 2019

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