LUCIFIER's Girlfriends Read Count : 124

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy

Satan's life is full of vibrant and sexy colors and on this valentines occasion he remembers the most loveable ladies of his life. It is impossible to write the love story of LUCIFIER because he has so many girlfriends that writing about each one of them is really impossible but still he remembers this day and writes the following incidents

 Goddess Lilith: The lady who was always interested in Satan but got tagged to devils and some other bullshits. To be Frank when lilith was first created Satan was totally impressed and attracted by her sharp eyes, beautiful body structure and her words but as it is always evident only worthless get the worthy chance and Adam got the chance but couldn't sustain long.

2.Goddess Athena(minerva, neith, sulis, shakti, a incarnation of lilith): LUCIFIER saw her full fledged beauty when he was roaming happily in the fresh air of competition on the Mount olympus when the Prince of trojan was asked to judge the most beautiful woman on the earth and Paris selected aphrodite( venus) over minerva(athena) and hera. After watching her beautiful the mighty Satan added her to the list of his girlfriends, though he succeeded her in wooing or not is secondary.

3. ArchAngel Mary(a incarnation of eve): Many of us know about mother Mary or virgin Mary and others call her as goddess of health but aren't aware that even she is also a archangel and holds majority of feminist angels under her control and LUCIFIER even has his eyes on this lady also but it is unknown that whether he has succeeded or failed.

4. Goddess lakshmi(eve, aphrodite, venus, Isis, aine) The goddess of youthness and the one who keeps all the youthness in her and the most loveable and favorite lady of SATAN. There was always a stiff competition between this goddess and athena always and sometimes this also became a cause of mighty destruction on the planets of the universe.

5. Goddess gaia( earth, ganges, vedic saraswati) The life line of the entire people, animals, plants and utmost everything on the earth including the atmosphere, lithosphere. Satan loves her and admires her for her strong will determined patience. She doesn't lose her patience and if she does then that is the end of all the lives on this planet. LUCIFIER respects her and often stands by her side in the times of distress.

The list is lengthy and writing about all is impossible, so only those whom Satan often gets associated with is mentioned here. LUCIFIER has the highest reach point of contact next only to ALMIGHTY GOD and this is the reason that whenever the great Satan sets his steps on this earth all the goddess get activated and they resume to their reality.



  • Feb 14, 2019

  • This is really awesome... this really open new worls for me.

    Feb 14, 2019

  • Dude, stay in your own religion and Lilith and "devil" were never a thing

    Feb 14, 2019

  • Exilliant masterpiece

    Feb 14, 2019

  • Dec 22, 2020

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