Visible To You
Read Count : 206
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : YoungAdult
VISIBLE TO YOU 🕶👩 Akira Tesani (boy name: Akiame ahiro ) Aug.30th 8:30 pm "My wings are out Ready to join the freedom Of the skies above They spread out Farther than the eye can see Is me I believe" Silence,then cheers and cheers came,we'll if you consider them real,they were totally fake though.This poet assignment was lame anyways.My best friend and teacher were the only ones cheering,really cheering.Cause they actualy see me. I'm not popular at this dumb school,for a few reasons. Only kit , Mr.Falcron,and Mrs.Falcron know my secret. I'm actually a girl,in a school for rich boys. Why I'm here is a long story,the short story is basically my family is very poor and used up the money they saved up for my little brother to go,I was supposed to go to another school with honors .But the rule for Nightingale private boys school is that if you miss the bus you're out,and money goes to the school.Out of all the days he could get sick my brother,Micheal, got sick that day and I decided to go in his place.That was 20 years worth of hard earned money that would've gone to waste since it was my parents dream to send a son here. I wear hats and bulky clothes to hide my feminine attributes. Damn that stupid brother of mine.The school allows girls but the so far none have joined because, if you were a girl in a classroom of intimidating boys,yeahh., so why bother changing the name?Mrs.Falcron,the principle didn't want me to reveal my gender,on fear that some of the boys would sexually harass me and ruin the reputation of the school.But that hasnt worked either way,they don't sexually harass me but they harass me. People (Rich boys) have been beating me up and teasing me about being"bulky"and a "commoner".I slowly walked to the desk in the middle of first column.Some boys whispered as I passed by then laughed,"..did you hear the commoners speech..?""Naw I don't listen to that kinda crap,I only listen to high rated poetry."They giggled and we're caught by the teacher = = = = = = = = Me = = = = = = = = = = = 1 2 3 4 I was in the column near the window,tempted to look outside and see the beautiful court yard with its rows of exotic flowers and lamps posts with the Nightingale colors on a gold rimmed flag.Blue,purple,and silver are the colors. I would know better not to look,but with a high IQ,low grades are easy to get up.The rest of the day continued with the daily torment and exhausting school work.When I got to my dorm,a dorm only for me,I fell defeated onto my hammock bed."Why does life hate me ?"I said,expecting no answer.I studied the room,light tan walls that held memories from my past, a small mahogony desk rested by a window that was always shaded but probaly over looked the private indoor pool.My bed was light blue silk and a big fluffy blanket with the school mascot,a falcon with sharp claws,bearing down on its weak prey,me, rested upon it .Nothing.I got up and defeated some home work equations.I sat in solid quiet for about half an hour.I was in the middle of a hard calculus problem when a sharp knock came.I got up from my soft bed.And answered the door. A blond haired boy with pale blue eyes greeted me.He wore a purple torso with long tan formal pants . The school emblem was on his left breast pocket,the school uniform.I hated to wear it but I didn't bother to change the huge coat over it."What do you want from me!?"I grumbled.He chuckled and stepped in."I want you" Chapter 2- A problem "-to help me with these problems,they're really hard and your smartest person I know.Please help me!"Kit begged.I waved him into the large dorm."What do you need help with now,yesterday it was algebra,the day before it was english!?"He laid down a heavy calculus text book on my bed and motioned me to sit with him.I jumped right in next to him and sat criss cross."Calculus,it seems your working on the same thing seeing all these papers scattered about,with that ,you really need to clean your dorm."I looked around,the room was decorated with dirty clothes and useless papers.Typical teenager I am."It's not about the cover,it's about what's inside!"He looked at me."What's inside is a bunch of dirty clothes and hard calculus problems,now help me!"I did as he asked and helped him with the problem,I also cleaned my room up a bit when he left almost an hour later.I went over to a tiny dresser at the foot of my bed and shoved on some grey sweat pants and a spaghetti strap black tang top.Im not planning on leaving the dorm or any other visitors so I might as well change.I went back to finishing my homework and studying for a math test.My bed was on the right side of the room,my desk right next to it acted like a night stand so I kept a lamp on it.I had a private complete bathroom behind the door on the other side of the room.Beside the door a double door fridge and a microwave on a counter in a medium kitchen next to it along side a couch,like I said, A school for rich boys must have a ton of money for rich people to go here.I had decorative taste usually kept blue and red fairy lights hung around every where and the room lights low.It was comforting to me.What time was it?11:30!?"What the crap!It's that late!?"I yelled.That yell alerted people in the room next to me."Hey shut up! Im trying to sleep!"Kashi yelled.He was the room right next to me.He was one the few who ignored me and pretended I didn't exist.His family ran the one of top clothing businesses in the nation.His families company also made the school uniforms.I admit I did have a little crush on him,when he wasn't a total douche.Without thinking I responded"What you gonna do about it!?Kiss my a**!?"I never showed it though.A grumble,followed by the shuffling of papers,alerted me.There i go again with my big mouth.Why did I change!?A door slammed and footsteps followed.Crap !!!A commoner like me shouldn't anger a top class person who could kick my @$$ out if he wanted.No time to dress. I opened the window and then I leaped under my bed flipped the blanket over so he wouldn't catch me.The door was only key lockable and I didnt lock it and the key was on the kitchen counter.Bang Bang Bang,"Open up the door commoner!I want to talk to you idiot."He opened the door and walked in he looked out the window then came towards the bed.I stop breathing so he wouldn't hear anything. I saw his bare feet,he was probaly in his pajamas. They stopped by the window,then came toward the bed.He didnt by the cheap trick. The covers slowly lifted. Chapter 3-narrow escape,lucky once,not anymore. Then he stopped. What? He muttered something about how dumb he was about over reacting and why he shouldnt invade other people's privacy.A door clicked and then my usual silence washed over the room. "Thank you lord."I prayed.I jumped out from under the bed. He needs anger management, my gosh. I switched off the lamp and crawled into bed,deciding it was better to just go to bed and stay silent the rest of tonight. My mind drifted to several things slowly drifting off to sleep.I rocked myself with the hammock until I was dead asleep. "Wake up!" Kit shoved a pillow at my head. "What the f***!? Why are you here!?" I peeped over the covers and looked at my alarm,it read 1:30 am , I almost freaked and thought I was late."Room got evacuated because my dorm buddy got drunk and screwed the place over with some of his friends, you're the only person who has a hammock bed, so you must have an extra bed I can borrow." I exhaled, Kit stood in the middle of the room in cookie monster bottoms and a tank top waiting for an answer. "I knew someday someone,you in particular, will be sleeping here in this magical dorm,in the big storage closet room to the left." He silently cheered and pulled a big mattress from my closet. He shuffled it right next to me."Now we're sleeping togeth-" "No" I bluntly said. "How long are you planning on sleeping here?" Silence."Kit?" He squirmed under some borrowed blankets. "Awhile." I put my hand on my face." Seriously, that's how bad it was!?" He didn't answer and slipped off into sleep. Brrrrrrrrriiiiing,brrrrŕrrrriiiiiiiing. I woke up to aloud sound,damn alarm clock. Kit didn't seem to hear it. I threw my pillow at him. He jolted up."Hehe loser." He got up and went the kitchen. "Hey,there's bagels in the fridge and fruit." He ignored me and continued making breakfast himself. I rolled onto the floor with a loud thump and crawled towards the kitchen. I opened the fridge and got to my knees.I grabbed some milk and crawled towards kit."Get up,your not a kid." He said. I got up and sat on the counter. I grabbed some cheerios from the cabinet and poured it in a bowl." Watcha doing." I said as I peered over at him cooking on the stove. Scrambled eggs? "Your commoner food is great to make,not like to other fancy crap, so please don't lean over the stove." Of course kit was rich, he practically owned the school. Why he chooses to be friends with me I don't know." Ima go get dressed meet me outside when your done." I ate my cereal and got dressed quickly. I'm very Impatient in the morning, since there's no school today we usually fo out and do fun stuff together. We usually plan inside but It was such a nice day outside. I went into the hallway and passed by kashi's dorm. I snuck by it and outside. Now the wait. Chapter 4- Abuse of the charms "Not gonna happen." I mumbled.I looked at the phone screen. Kit- -We got school today,be prepared for in class,he's extra grumpy- -I know how to solve this problem- - How are you going to solve it exactly?- - Not going to school is an option- -Akira, you can't avoid all your problems in life just by playing hooky- -Watch me- -No,I don't wanna see you getting your but kicked out of here- -WAt you gonna du?- -I will personally drag you from you room towards the classroom if I have to- -u like meh?- -wat- -Awww u would so far for meh 😘- -I'm at your dorm- -Sh##- -Be ready cause I'm gonna kick your a##- -There's a rule that you can't do that,it's called I'm a woman and your a man who's wants to hurt me and now who would your mother pick- -Your abusing your power- -I'm knuw🙃- -...- -there's another rule too, kit- -...- -I'm thou act like an JERK thou can be treated like a jerk- -You've been blocked from texting this number- -nice acting- -GO to class or I will make you!- -really- I put down the dark phone. ,,,,,Later,,,,,,, I sat in class avoiding eye contact. I was a very social person with a tomboy attitude but the principal would beat my @"" if I didn't act anti social. We kinda had a grude against each other so she got pay back. I looked ahead of me. I hated math so bad. Ko was in the front and I, and not surprisingly, was in the back. The day came and went fast and soon it was time for lunch. I risked it and I sat in the classroom alone eating my packed lunch. The lunch here was so dang exspensive. As I was eating, the door whipped open and I almost choked on my ham sandwich. "HI there commoner, I hear you talked back to our Boss, now it's time for your punishment." Three boys walked over towards my desk and I received a thorough beating. The English class was interuppted by the principle. She stood still and strict. Her hair and clothes plain and forced into position. The class was silent. Her hard steel gray eyes were as cold as the person they inhabited. "As you know, there have been rumors of a girl joining the school." Whispers filled the air. Her glare shut them up. "There was a girl, but she joined another school." Moans and whisper raged again. "But..there is a girl currently at our school who has been attending for half the year and is intended to stay,but she is disguised as one you,we've hidden her due to harassing issues we've had in the past." She hushed the students uproar over the fact that a girl was there. "But I have one request. Who ever finds the girl gets a prize worth getting." She giggled. She was gonna have a hard time.
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