Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I am a traveler on a wandering road, that sometimes trails off the straight and narrow. The path ahead which is seldom seen but still, I march to the beat of my own drum and follow the rhythmic beat of my soul. Your understanding is not required, and your discretion matters nothing to me. I know my heart, I know my mind, and I stand true to myself right to the end.
I see with the eyes of my soul, I hear with the ears of my heart, and I speak with the tongue of truth; no filter, no sugarcoat, no bullshit. I spill my words with no boundaries or barriers and I paint pictures that are vivid and clear.
I am a woman who is so strong, that I can be gentle. A woman who is wise and educated, that I can be humble. I am fiercely and brutally honest, that I can be compassionate. And I am so passionate, that I can be free.
I am here for all those who cannot speak, those who whisper softly with timidity. I speak for those who have many things to say but whose voice gets drowned by noise. I speak for the wounded and the bruised, the lost and confused, the hopeful and the hopeless. My sword is my pen and I use it to speak up for all those who stay quiet behind the scenes.
I write poems to provoke senses, I play with words to provoke thoughts, and I paint pictures to accentuate the two. I am a poet, a writer and a painter; a little bit of this, a little bit of that, mixed and meshed together. I speak not for those who would listen... but for those who cannot find the words to speak.