Skies So Bright
Read Count : 167
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Oblivion day 1 Does the day ever end? Does the night ever begin? This Oblivion will never bend To my desires meek the ambition is bleak For I have nothing to be given And nothing to give Please don't despair over a care That is for me for I'm in Oblivion And no one can rescue me Sky day 2 The sky is never ending With fields of cotton fluff Floating with it, Birds Who consider it enough I look above and beyond it Seeking out more than I know But this beautiful sky shields it from me Taunting anyone who has dreams To go above and beyond To seek out the beauty Of this endless blue sky Blossoms day 2 I'm flowing up on the wind Flowing floating My dance is very tricky Up on the wind My petals are my dress I sway without distress This blissful moment I obsess The wonders of the world Is what I am People wonder if I can Grant wishes of lust Is never a must When your a blossom on The wind Breeze day 3 So gentle so rough I switch so much So slow so fast Blowing in your mast So weak so tough It's a must The breeze changes Towards the weathers needs Tsk Tsk The mist isn't list For all those who concede It mustn't bleed The breeze is she or he Well it ain't me Sunshine and happinness day 4 Pessimism isn't me I'm to happy to be Optimism isnt much It can't only be enough I'm all sunshine and happiness Cause that's the only thing That describes me I'm to happy for my own good That's where everyone reads books My happiness can only be read through My jolly good head Why can't people see My happiness is here to be Brisk day 5 I am running The leaves are passing The world's is spinning, matching me Brisk is my name And I am not to blame My alarm clock became afoul And I missed the bus Now I'm racing time So I don't become late I'm almost at the gate I'm Brisk So I won't miss The school day I made it inside Almost there! The clocks are ticking I'm Brisk I made it to the door Thumping on the floor I open up and realize There was no school today Now I must go back Cause I'm brisk Funny day 6 OK I admit I'm pretty funny On the worst of occasions Am I hilarious or am I delirious I have the lamest of puns Cause I'm no fun Well ill go down laughing In fits of tears and joy Cause I admit I am pretty punny Lazy day 7 I'm pretty lazy That is my sin I will not move the bin You beg you plead Cause your in need But I will not listen, The couch is part of me We made a pact that we both agree Shall I leave I'll be bad I may have gained a few pounds To be fair, I'm not very sad. Fair day 8 Fun,fun, and more fun! Sweets galore! A palace of shimmering lights and spectacular rides. A gathering of the best things and more. It is the fair! At its best! People laugh and giggle. There is never a dull or sad moment, At the fair. So come and join the fun! Your missing out on the sweets'o'ton. Summers end day 9 It came like a rouge breeze And left without a sound The wishes I'd full fill canceled for months A roadblock to my laziness A pitch fork to my side Summers end A dreadful cry. School begins And fun hymns. Your plans cancelled for a week. The big weekend ends. Oh maybe next summer, You can try again. Lack of sleep day 10 Oh!The pain! I cannot shut my eyes Though my cries Have gone answered I lay here Looking at this endless pile Going on for infinity No! Banish those wayward thoughts and desired You must finish this You must finisndhhh disss Finnushhhh disssssss..... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....