Trust 2/4/19
Read Count : 94
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
We go through life having tomake choices some of whichare difficult but importantMaking no choice is really a choice as well where we rely on circumstancerather than decisionRelationships are built on mutual trustrequiring us to take risks by defulgingpersonal issues - feelings or actionsThe risk of course is will it be kept confidential by the other person -will it cause an over reaction or will it negatively affect a beginning relationshipConversely - on the receiving end you have the same responsibility’sTrust is the foundation of allrelationships without it - it is destinedto collapseTrust comes with emotional and mental maturityAs in most decisions it is a trial and error issue that we have to deal with if it doesn’t workAnd be strong enough to take the blow -recover and be ready for the next encounterWhen they don’t work out the recoveryperiod varies requiring patience’sand understandingHopefully that will read to a successful and well- deserved conclusion