"Its Complicated" Read Count : 60

Category : Notes/work

Sub Category : N/A

I want to give a man me but she is not here.

She is swept afar off on a peice of weathered wood.

Barely afloat and staring off.

She stares at her child trying to go through fire and save her.

The sight is paralyzing.

The smells are terrifying.

The cries for aide are not heard.

When she finds a way her ex feeds the fire.

When she smiled on the wood or had a lifeboat nobody cared and the boat failed her. 

This is not her or who they are. 

The mother and daughter love one another but the arsenist is a demented picaso. 

A selfish relentless liar. 

There are people who still have magic in their lives and don't understand he does not change, the fire is fire and they need help. 

Rather than help they judge the lack of her lifeboat, floatation rings and her weathered appearance. 

A helicopter is needed and their dark magic is hate, it helps the demon spread fire. 

We used to sing together, tuck in and she would play with friends at the park. 

The wood is barely a friend to us, at the least... Pray the water becomes still and the distance shorter. 

It is complicated... I cannot just give someone me when she may drown. 


  • good

    Feb 02, 2019

  • Maurice  Beres

    Maurice Beres

    Intriguing -suspenseful - really good poem🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

    Feb 07, 2019

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