Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
My soul is sad and worried deep inside, I have concerns about the one I love.
I pray and I ask, keep my closest ones I care the most under your wings of protection and overshadow them with your love. Keep them on my mind so I can bring them to your rememberance as well; my heart is devistated by the small worries I fear, only the little troubles concerns my heart the most, and if I doubt please forgive; I'm lowly of heart, I'm not important, but if you keep them for me; my soul will be ok. If you watch over them for me Lord; my heart will be at the docks, in peace I will stay under the same love that never flies away. Thank you for your goodness & thank you for your grace. Lord ease my troubled mind and keep it at Bay as I enter your rest; I shall not worry or fear, As I enter your peace my troubles are tooken away. So as you watch over them for me even my biggest foes, I will be okay too, it will be just right for me all over again, as long as you're here, I will forever be happy for the rest of my days, hoping at death, I will not be separated from you; let me be as though I'm Joshua as I stand before your eyes, take these Hell bound stains & cover me in lights, cover my sorrows with melodies and fun, praising you full of love; for protecting my enemies and I; for covering my loved ones and aquaintances in life and full of peace, the ones that are broken or even don't want you around, keep them too and don't let go. Keep them safe for me and clothe them with pure true love,for you are clothed in abundance of love and wisdom, hover over them with a powerful silohuette of peace, overwhelm the hearts with abundance of true joy, let them fall in love all over again. Let their hurts be turned into excitement; then I myself will be okay and just right again under your shadow of the night, your silohuette of peace covers me, your blood is as a blanket to my soul that warms me deep within, I'm neather sleep or uncomfortable; when you're near I'm slightly afraid but a good sensation as you're in the room. I slightly fear your presence when I can't see but I know you're not there to let me fear; as your power intimdates me as I tremble before you, yet you give me strength and the same power over my unknown enemies. So you look after the ones I miss, my heart will sing with ease; trusting you with my whole life is the best thing for me, no hurts, no harm, no heartbreaks from you, full of truth, how blessed are you. I stay right under the friendly giant, I stand right under the silohuette of peace. 💗