Screams Read Count : 149

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Science Fiction
Monday Morning May 31, 2017
It was a fresh Summer morning, a day that seemed normal. Just another day of an average teenage girl. Like any other teenager, she had a laptop. She used it ALL the time, and hardly put it down. Until one day, she got an email from an unknown user. "You have until night to stop using this phone.", she just laughed it off and went on with her day. Around noon, another email popped up "you have until eight to stop using the phone.", it was from the same user. She laughed and showed it to her friend, "that isn't very funny. Who is it?", "I don't know.","I can see 
you.", her heart dropped. Another one popped up "I see you aren't listening to my warnings. See you at eight.". "Oh was nice knowing you.", the ride home was silent. She took deep breaths, and tried to calm down. That's when she saw it. The black van that was tailing her in the rear view mirror. She sped up, and the van did too. She slammed on the brakes, the van sped by. She took a deep breath, the text was getting to her...nothing was going to happen. She locked her bedroom door and stared at her screen. Her computer beeped, and she screamed...She just had and email! She laughed from nervousness and opened it. But when she clicked on it...the laptop powered off....and it started to glow blue. "I WARNED YOU." was in dark red. She screamed as a black hand shot out and grabbed her, she cried as a distorted shadow pulled itself out. The shadowy figure made its way towards her. It was clearly female. She grabbed her and she struggled against her grip. She was stronger than expected. The girl managed the break away and tackle the shadow. They need fought for a long time...until she gave out. She smiled, and felt a surge go through her. "Time to put your back where you belong.", she pushed her into the computer, and she disappeared, but stayed on screen. "Let me out! Let me out? You can't do this!", the girl grinned at it, and powered off the computer. And she that she was out of the way....she crawled into bed, she was getting rid of it tomorrow morning. And so she did. She sold it to someone else down the street, and let them come over and check it out. "Why are you getting rid of it? It seems brand new!", "I have no...use...for it anymore.", "well then, I'll take it!"the buyer smiled, "just one problem....", "oh...", "why is the clock stuck on eight?". "Just a glitch...just get the memory wiped and it'll be fine...", "thanks!", "and one more thing...", "yeah?", "don't play at night. It'll get....buggy. just don't play past eight.", "why?", "it's an urban legend. A girl will come after you and take your place, after taking you to her world. ", the computer screamed, "sorry. It's a notification alert....", "wierd.", "yeah..."the girl smiled at the computer..."wierd.", her mother came in, "I thought you loved that computer?", "well can say I'm a whole new person.", the screams of the girl were now drowned out as the new owner shut the computer off. 


  • Jun 18, 2017

  • Jun 18, 2017

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