Category : Articles
Sub Category : Lifestyle
Recently I saw a video in YouTube and found many videos with tag FUTURE. Future hotel, future phones, future life, gadgets and so on and thought for a while. Should I consider it has a gain or curse?
I thought technology improvement means ease of life, providing more time by reducing work load and yes we also needn't put too much of stress as there will be machines that will finish our work. Like this there is lots of benefits then how can we consider it has a curse.
So I felt yes it helps but how much of this service comes affordable. We all are aware about our lifestyle, we work hard for 8 to 16 hrs to provide a decent life style to our family but could not fulfill it because of the increasing expenses and rapid technology improvement.
Today if I have iphone latest phone within 2 months it is outdated, though I pay more than 1000 dollars for that when I sell it I don't know how much it fares but the new gadget will definitely be of higher price.
I would have saved the money for some emergency but the new gadgets will make my nights miserable unless I won't buy it. I lose my money. Like this if technology keeps on multiplying our income won't even double but will go down as we grow older.
If only rich and wealthy persons have all the fun what will we middle class people have on the earth. It brings jealousy unhappy in our lives. We know how harder we work to earn money but will the younger generation understand it. Earlier only television were killing people with its fit for nothing ads now even internet has added wings to is pouring petrol to our burning desires.
As new year starts coming it means it's the time to shell out half or sometimes our entire pocket to see happiness in our childrens faces. But are we truly happy. Technology improvement in all fields means increasing in expense and a added burden for us in the name of tax. Who pays it?
Lots of things in my heart but I lost my time limit today, hope so I will meet tomorrow and yes ghost jack I haven't forgotten you and your comment, I liked your GOD post but don't say anyone can become GOD with his or her writings. In front of ALMIGHTY GOD'S writings we are nothing and don't forget the fate of everyone ranging from bacteria to humans is decided by that SUPREME ONE so don't dare to dream of being a GOD just by writing because lots of writers have came and vanished and I guess till now no one hasn't stayed permanently in anyone's minds nor this world. A writer can only be a writer and nothing more than that.