Category : Stories
Sub Category : Horror
This is a fake story. Strictly fiction
I was nineteen when it came out
A video game called
", The circus "
I was hyper about it and hoped I would get it for my birthday
I regret it now
The night of my birthday I got it
But I also got silnt hill ...
So I forgot about it
Years later I dug it up from my closet and decided to play it
The screen was the normal Introduction of the game. And then character select
* Jewel
I selected my character and continued
It was a fun game. I wish I played it sooner. I played all characters but one
The last one
That night I went to bed without trying it to .
Year later I finished tryed it . This is how it whent
As soon as I clicked it's name my game crashed
I reset and restarted
The welcomeing screan was red . Like it was all bloody
The character select
I was confused and picked one . Like I had a choice
The music slowed down
And the character spawed
I couldn't believe my eyes
The background was black and in. The middle of it all. Was a beautiful character. Perfect details and amazing shadowing. Almost... Real
I moved and couldn't help but pay attention as she walked through the darkness to a table . That I diod mover her to
I watched as she moved on her own
And grabbed a knife that was on the table.
She turned around and walks twords the camera and-
Part two???