Illusions We Create Read Count : 150

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Self Help

   There comes a time in our lives when we realize the illusions we create for ourselves fall apart. The people we idolize while we are young are not the people we once thought them to be. There comes a time, when we have to face the truth that no matter who we are the wise those people are not perfect. They make mistakes, they've made mistakes, and will make mistakes in the future just like we will. Nobody is perfect, the only way we can reach her own perfection is by not mimicking someone else, but primarily releasing the person deep inside us which is waiting to be freed. Having admiration for an actor or sport star is alright, but when we idolize them, we often forget that they can do wrong. We forget they are human, by forgetting this we tend to demonize them and slowly each one of us forgets our own humanity. It's impossible in this world to find the perfect person, no matter how long or how hard we searched no one will meet the high standards we set. Even if you set the high standards for yourself, you will only be met with frustration and anxiety over the failure. It's okay to set a standard for yourself oh, but you should do it gradually and slowly and consider that standard for other people. There are cases though, when we should demonize people for their behavior, when they not only refused to change but continue to hurt other people in the process.


  • Very true. Being ourselves is the most beautiful thing we can do not only for our own selves but for others around us.

    Jan 18, 2019

  • Jan 18, 2019

  • Jan 19, 2019

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