Category : Articles
Sub Category : Lifestyle
Dream like never dreamed before.*
Kiss with your heart.*
Huge with passion.*
Look directly into his or her eyes to discover the Hideen paradise she or he secretly hide behind their eyes*
Think with the brain and kiss with your heart.*
Love her or him like you love your self!
Product of your effort in a relation is the result of what you are planting in her or his heart.*
Open your arms and recive his or her heart and protec like a treauser.*
Love someone, is just the oportunity to exchange blessing come from your heart.*
Never desapear with the life for the lesson as a result of any relation, because is part of you transiciĆ³n of this life, enjoy the good things and learn from the ones is no to good.
Everyone in this world has to be loved.*
If you has someone besaide you tells i love you! Thats all you need to say.