Category : Adult
Sub Category : Horror
So it was 2 year's ago... It was on MY Birdthay. And i didn't like it. I played a game called ' Secret' , it was reallllllllllly scary but i could handle it. My mom said i can't play it so at first place i didn't play it. BUT after some hours i called my friend over and she camed( my friend ia not using this app👅) we played the game in my room and it was dark. '' Secret secret, bloody merry,, Lights were ruined. My room was bloody, and, my friend... She died in this stupid game and me also I was so scared and worried so I didn't do nothing I was so scared and worried so I killed my mom and dad because they said the will kill theyselfs so I did it. It was the worst thing in my life. But now it's too late to change it.
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