Take My Advice Read Count : 88

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

Listen to the heartbeat from the apple of your eye

Focus on the things that don't make you cry

Watch how well you can be treated by some

Enliven your spirit, don't make it numb

Sing to the tune of the bluebirds singing

Hum to the rhythm of the Church bells ringing

Rise your head above the grounds of sadness

Escape from the daily expeditions of madness

Show your kindness to those who would to you

Think of what your role model would do

Let your talents shine like the sun above

Treat everyone with a nice kind of love

Don't trust a soul that harmed you

Don't let the rain block the sun

Let the light shine through you

But don't forget everyone

Don't lower your name to plead

Realise you have the right amount to need

Don't create hell for others, just be nice

Now trust me and go take my advice...


  • Jan 09, 2019

  • Maurice  Beres

    Maurice Beres

    Good advice -beautifully written 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

    Jan 09, 2019

  • Jan 10, 2019

  • Harvey Dodoo

    Harvey Dodoo

    Nice poem not only does it rhyme you get somewhere with what you've written.

    Mar 10, 2019

  • Mar 12, 2019

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