Hey Dad..
Read Count : 159
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
Dear Dad, fuck you! Listen I understand if you didn't want a kid but you don't have to treat me like shit. So I mean you treat Charlie like he's your whole world then you turn to me and try to hurt br all over again. Just know I flich over people hugging me you know why. It's because of you and all the shit that you put me through. So fuck you and Amanda. Trying to get me to visit you, heh after all the shit you put me through when I was younger, I'm not sure if I can ever trust you again....you hurt me to bad...but that's cool..I'm still here alive..I know that you thought I was going to take my life but I've found people who help me. Yeah I know you don't believe it but it's true. I'm still here slowly learning to love myself. Trying to quit my bad coping skills. Im learning to trust people. I know you don't care but it would be nice to tell you everything that's going on. But you never answer your phone. Why...just why. Oh wait it's because you hate me... Hate me , break me, crush me, push me, but I'll still get up and walk away. So honestly I still love you but I'm slowly losing my love twords you...it's turned to hate....I still remember your exact words " If you ever kill yourself over someone or something I won't go to your funeral, I've never liked you anyway I've always liked your brother more than you..you've always been a pest." With hate, your "daughter"