Bouncy House Boink - Part 3 Read Count : 39

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
"You noticed that fucking wack job dancing to eh? It's hard to look away at what a train wreck she is" Kaitylnn laughed thinking that would stop his attention from being deverted away from her.

"I don't think she looks like a train wreck, in fact I find her fascinating; the way she dances. It's like she's dancing like nobody would be watching her, she doesn't realize how beautiful she is" Matt responded just smiling again while staring at her.

Now they both were watching her dance, only Kaitylnn was able to catch a glimpse of her face and realized that it was Octavia. Once she realized that she laughed it off, which made Matt turn and ask "What's so funny?" He now was looking at Kaitylnn in wonder.

"Oh nothing, just that girl you've been watching dance is Anna's younger sister, Octavia. She's not even supposed to be here she's underaged; she is going to be in alot of shit once I tell her sister she's here." Kaitylnn told him

"What an unusual name" Matt responded. "Octavia" he repeated to himself.  Then suggested " Maybe you don''t ruin her night by getting her into trouble. She isn't doing anything wrong, she looks like she's blowing off some stream, why go cause unnecessary drama? What is she doing to make you so upset" He asked Kaitylnnn, which only made Kaitylnn more angry that he was defending her, and how much he seemed to be quite enthralled by her.

    Just as Kaitylnn was about to tear into him about how much she wasn't anyone, and how she was a minor and shouldn't be allowed to be drinking and dancing at this event. She was interrupted by one of Matt's buddies shouting to him across the floor.

"Yo Newfie!" Shouted this random dude, " Come here"

Matt walked off towards the man who called out to him and quickly said see ya around to Kaitlynn and left her standing by herself. Which just made her even more upset.

 Still enraged by what just happened she stormed over to Octavia as she was dancing in the crowd; Octavia hadn't seen either of them watching her, and definitely didn't see Kaitylnn approaching her. She was startled at the sight of Kaitlynn storming up to her with an unpleasant look upon her overly doneup face.

"You better kick fucking rocks and leave before I make this a huge deal and tell your sister that your here. How did you even get in, your only 17" Kaitylnn started ranting.

   After the shitty day Octavia had she honestly couldn't of cared what happened next. She just  shrugged her shoulders at the threats Kaitlynn made, and said "Like I give two flying fucks what you want, or  your  a dumb  threats"  and kept on dancing. 

   Plus she had more than enough drinks that she wasn't about to let someone try and intimated her. Luckily Jayla had noticed what was going on and came in to back up her friend. 

"What's seems to be the fucking problem here?" Jayla asked Kaitylnn with serious additude.

Kaitylnn was quick to back off after Jayla came over and asked if she had a problem?  But Kaitylnn was quick to make  some bullshit excuse.

"I'm sorry I'm only concerned about her wellbeing that's why she wanted her to leave, she could get raped or worse at a huge festival like this" Kaitylnn said lying through her crooked teeth.  Trying to make it seem as if she was actually trying to look out for her BBFs little sister 

   Both Jayla and Octavia knew she was back peddling, it wasn't at all how she really was feeling. Kaitylnn was just terrified of Jayla. Just as they were about to walk away from Kaitylnn all of a sudden Matt appeared and walkedvover to them all. 

"Hey Kait" Matt said. "Who's your friends?"  Matt asked and stands right between Jayla and Kaitlynn across from Octavia. Kaitylnn just nodded hoping that he would continue talking to her, instead he introduced himself to both Jayla and Octavia.

"Hi I'm Matt but all my friends call me Newfie" Matt said putting his hand out to shake both of theirs. 

"I'm Jayla, and this my bestie Octavia" Jayla responded shaking his hand. As she reached to shake Octavia's hand, Kaitylnn interjected how again she was a minor.

As much as  Octavia felt like slapping Kaitylnn, she managed to keep her cool and then made a quirky remark. "That's not what my  ID says" and chuckled as she doubled winked at Matt. Which made Matt laugh as well.

"Well if that's what your ID says then it must be true" He replied playing along with it; he was totally captivated by Octavia like nothing else. Which only made Kaitylnn more angry and jealous that he couldn't stop smiling while he was standing in front of her. 

   Octavia had no idea that he was totally into her. It was at that moment Kaitlynn got an evil idea to ruin Octavia's sexy cowgirl look by accidentally tripping and spilling it all over her. She first had to go and get more drinks as she offered to go and get one for Matt. As she walked back she purposely tripped and threw the liquid in Octavia's direction but her  plan totally backfired, not only did she spill her all over Octavia. She got it all over Matt as well, his reaction wasn't at all impressed.

"What the fuck" He shouted as he flicked the spilled liquid off his arm, but he still had it all over his pants. Kaitylnn was so upset his she also got him as well she quickly tried to help dry his pants; as she got down to help soak up the spilled alcohol off his pants he freaked out even more,"What the fuck are you doing Kate; get off your knees and stop trying to help your not my mother" Matt exclaimed loudly.

Matt wasnt impressed at all; in fact he was pissed off at Kaitylnn and didn't want her to continue to be hanging around him for much longer. Octavia knew that it wasn't accidental, but she kept her cool.

  Luckily since summer was basically already starting with the weather temperature she had been wearing a bikini top underneath her tied up, tight plaid shirt. She smiled at Kaitylnn as she pulled off her shirt, " That was actually kinda refreshing" Octavia responded, "I am so fucking hot" she added as she tossed her soaked shirt over a rock on the ground close by.

To Octavias statement about being hot  Matt  quickly blurted out without thinking

"Yeah you fucking are" As he gave her this sexy smile. Which made Kaitlynn give Octavia the dirtiest look, and then take off in a huff. Kaitylnn was in tears as she stormed away, and also in a state of destruction. 

(Authors Note: There is more to the story I just haven't written all out yet, let me know what you think about it so far; it's my first story I've written since grade school)

(Thanks for reading)


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