Bouncy House Boink- Part 2 Read Count : 36

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
'What?! Where are you planning on taking me?' Octavia responded. 

'I can't tell you it's a surprise' Was Jayla's answer to Octavia. 

Despite Octavia's depressed headspace she eagerly awaited to find out what her friend had planned for them that evening. Octavia quickly jumped in the shower and got herself all done up for a evening out with her friend, she knew that whatever Jayla had planned it would be exactly what she needed. 

  As Octavia was getting ready she got a text from Adam, "Hey babe, Got any plans for the night?".

  She decided to give him a chance to come clean on his own. As mad as she was she still had love for him, he was the first person she slept with. Which also made it hurt more on knowing what he'd done. 

" Yeah Jay and I are headed out!?" she responded. "She said she saw you at Josylns party? You never told me you saw her there"

"No never saw her there babe. But like I said I only stopped in for a few drinks with my bro then I left; it was a lame party" Adam replied, reading his response over it was obvious he was lying, she couldn't take anymore of his lies. "Couldn't wait to come see you any longer" Adam added. 

Octavia was so angry, she finished getting ready and responded to his text " Couldn't wait huh? Tell that to Christine Adams" 

"What are you talking about? Whatever that bitch has said to you is a lie babe. She just wants to break us up" Adam texted back."You should know that I love you, and only you." 

She was so not in the mood to here anymore of his lies and sent Adam, with the following message. 

" You can't tell me that isn't you. As far as I'm concerned; we're done. Who knows who else you've fucked while we were together. Now you can fuck whoever, I sure as hell don't care! Don't bother calling me ever again! You sleazy goof"  

Just as Octavia sent the message, she got a call from Jayla. 

"You ready? I'm outside, time to party!" Jayla said as she laughed with excitement. Jayla had borrowed her brother's car for the night. 

"Sure am!" O replied as she threw on her jacket. Her phone began to vibrate, it was Adam, she laughed and ignored the call. 

At that moment she decided that she was going to get some of her own action tonight, she wanted to get over Adam by getting under someone else. Octavia had decided to wear a pair of her sisters shoes for the night, seeing as she wouldn't notice. 

Octavia was wearing tight cut off jean shorts that clung nice and snuggly against her apple shaped ass, with her sisters knee high boots highlighting her legs, her top was a tightly fitted plaid button up, which she left partly unbuttoned so her cleavage could be seen. But Octavia still had no idea where they were going, but she didn’t care as long as she didn’t see Adam there she was going to have a good time, and she was gunna look sexy.

 As they drove over the bridge that went out of the city Octavia asked her friend, “Where is this place?” 

“Its just a short drive out of the city, I promise you’ll have a good time” Jayla reassured her friend. “ You are going to forget every thing that happened today!” 

“I’d rather not forget, but learn from this. Did I tell you that I broke up with Adam?” Octavia replied. “ I also sent him a clip of the home video you took and told him never to call me again" 

Jayla burst out laughing, as she put her hand up to give her friend props. "What was his response to you breaking up with him? 

"I didn't give him a chance to lie his way out of this one. I've blocked his calls and texts for now, tonight I'm going to have a good time" 

After another 20 minutes of driving, thru the night sky flashed bright lights, a sign that they had been getting close. Jayla pulled up onto a dirt road, from there it wasnt long before they arrived at there destination. 

As they found a open parking spot, Jayla and Octavia got out of the car. Octavia still had no idea where they were, but trusted her friend enough not to worry. 

Jayla had worn her come fuck me boots which also highlighted her long legs, with a mini skirt and halter top. They both look delicious, dressed up nice and sexy for their fun night out. Before they walked towards the entry gate, Jayla took out a pack of Molson Cold Shots and pulled her friend off to the side. 

"Let's get our pre-drink on" Jayla told her friend as she cracked open the first can.

Octavia took her own can and cracked it open, she slammed it back and grabbed another can. Before taking another sip she lit up a cigarette, and took a much needed drag. 

"So is this event free?" Octavia asked. 

"No but I've gotten the tickets already, and also..." Jayla replied as she started digging through her bag. She then pulled out a wallet and handed it to her friend. 

"And also what? Why do I need a wallet? I already have my own" Said Octavia. 

"No no silly, it's whats inside the wallet. This isn't an all ages event. Inside that wallet is an ID with your name and picture on it to allow you access to enter the event." Jayla told her friend. 

" But won't get arrested for having fake IDs" Octavia responded in a worried tone.

Jayla chuckled, "Don't worry so much, it's going to be fine. I've already used mine successfully in an actual night club, this outdoor event will be a cinch. Guaranteed." 

Octavia looked at the fake ID her friend had just giving her, it was a pretty decent fake she thought in her mind. She wasn't about to turn back now her night of blowing off steam hadn't even started yet. Octavia shrugged and looked at Jayla giving her the okay. 

"Trust me O, tonight is going to be epic!" Jayla reassured her friend as they walked towards the gates to the event. 

O was still a little worried about the fake ID but Jayla had never put her in a situation before that was not fool proof, which was a helping factor to why she even went along with it. 

   As they got to the gate opening Octavia was startled by the door bouncer. He was nearly 6"6 must have been, since he towered over Jayla a good half of a foot. " You ladies got tickets?" He asked as he glanced them both up and down.  Octavia caught him checking her out, as he looked both the girls up and down Octavia also checked him out. 

He wasn't just super tall, he was super sexy to. She caught herself fantasizing about him taking her into the backroom and frisking her for any potential dangerous items she might be trying to bring in to the event. Her mind wandered into even dirter thoughts of him ripping her button up top off and pushing himself close up against her pussy.   She was lost in her thoughts as Jayla nugged her to hand him the tickets and there IDs. Octavia  quicky snapped back into reality.

"Yeah here,  and our IDs too.." Octavia said handing him the fake ID. He didn't even look at her ID just handed it back to her and scan the ticket stubs. "Nah I just take the tickets, there is a machine inside that checks all IDs for authenticity"  He said with a slight grin. 

    Octavia looked at her friend with horror. Then the bouncer started to chuckle. "I'm just playing with you girl, there is no machine. Just wanted to see the look on your face. I can tell you and your girlfriend arent 21, but it's alright. Just don't cause any trouble...Got it?"  He laughed and stamped both their hands as they walked in past the gates and into the event. 

Octavia felt her worry diminish almost instantly, as wandered further into the outdoor event it started to get more and more crowded with groups of different crowds of people just standing around. Jayla grabbed her friends hand and pulled her away in another direction. 

"Quick this way, I just saw your sister" Jayla whispered. 

"What, where? Oh shit she can't know I'm here she'll tell our Mum,  she never lets me have any fun. She just doesn't care how much shit she gets me into, I fucking hate her sometimes." Octavia replied. 

 ..As Octavia and Jayla snuck past Anna and Katylnn; Anna most likely wouldn't of noticed since she was already on her fourth vodka redbull and wasn't interested in any thing but herself at that time. Since all she was there for was her friend, hoping that she finally tells Matt about her feelings for him. Katylnn on the other hand was all out of it, she got wasted hoping that some liquid courage would help her be able to come forward with her feelings to Matt.  

"Do you see him anywhere?"  Kaitlynn asked her friend who was hardly paying attention. 

"Not yet, but I'll tell you when I do"  responded Anna with slight slur. 

"I'm going to look around for him, you stay here in case you see him first, if you do keep him here til I come back. Okay? " Kaitlynn asked as she walked off into the crowds of people.

    Jayla and Octavia walked over to the stage where the music was just starting up, as the drum and bass music started playing the whole crowded place began to dance and mosh to the music. Jayla loved to be the center of attention, she wasn't the best dancer but that didn't matter since all the guys weren't interested in her dance moves, just how sexy she looked thrashing around in the crowd with her hair all over the place.

   As for Octavia she wasn't a bad dancer, but she had a few drinks in her and wasn't trying to impress anyone; she was more just moshing and dancing to the beats for herself and her enjoyment. She wasn't trying to look sexy or be noticed, like every other girl in the crowd. 

She was dancing like no one in the room was even watching, but someone was watching; Matt (Kaitylnn's Crush). Dj Newfie was mezmermized by Octavia's dancing and as watched her in awe, 

Kaitlynn spotted him from where she was walking around looking for him. It wasn't hard for her not to notice him staring at the crowd of dancing chicks, particularly the one he'd been watching dance. She quickly pushed her tits up to show more cleavage hoping to steal his attention away from the girl he was staring at in the crowd of people, and walked over to him.

"Hey Matthew!" Kaitylnn shouted. She refused to call him Newfie since she thought it was such a terrible nickname despite the several times he'd corrected her and told her call me Newfie, or Matt I  hate my full name only his Mother called him that.

"Hey, glad to see you made it" Matt said, only just taking his eyes off Octavia for a second.

Kaitlynn noticed that he'd been staring at this girl dancing for awhile and was getting jealous, so she decided to make a snide remark.



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