Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Miscellaneous
While waiting for my transport to pick me up from college , I see a lot of my juniors congregating and talking and laughing and shrieking and generally making a fool of themselves .
I find myself wondering whether or not they realize how foolish they would look to a passer by .
But then the other side of my mind says "Look who's talking . As if you haven't been there and done that .
And then I remembered that this new batch seemed to be a lot more contained than mine was . My classmates used to laugh as if possessed and take selfies with ridiculous poses in front of everybody on the road .
It made me nostalgic for my old friends from Intermediate . We used to be so stressed for our exams and even more stressed on what to wear the next day to college . We had a great time annoying and exasperating our teachers .
But those 2 years went by so swiftly , we didn't even realize when we started and when they were over .
Now looking at my juniors its kind of hard to imagine us being such young inexperienced people .
We generally think the new generations are a lot less hard working and less mature then we were at their age but , as it turns out we have a lot to learn from them too .
They seem more confident about their future and more focused than we ever were . How successful they will be in the future only time will tell .