Category : Articles
Sub Category : Spirituality
Most people can't seem to grasp what faith really is. It's something deep inside that most people have, which gives them the strength to believe in something else. I'm not simply talking about religion, but I'm talking about having faith in humanity. The people you love, and the people you want to have good fortune in their lives. Faith, gives you the power to believe that something will go better for you. Sometimes, it's the only wall between you and your inner destruction. I wish I knew a better way to explain Faith to people, who simply think it's about believing in religion. I wish that I could have the capability of understanding that it's something deeper then just what you believe. It's about understanding more than what you see. I've heard many mysterious tales about people with strong faith. I wonder if my faith is that strong? It's your faith powerful enough to reach across the universe?
I totally get where you're coming from. Faith van mean different things to different people, depending on their understanding of what faith is. I agree with you that faith is not just restricted to religion alone for there is faith in God, faith in yourself, faith in your abilities and capabilities to do and to achieve what you set your heart on, faith in love, etc. Faith, like love, is a simple word that is sometimes hard to comrehend. Nice writing, Landon 💜
Nov 30, 2018