About Last Day On Writer's Outlet Read Count : 155

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Drama

It was 13th June when i deleted my account from this app...but actually it was the turning day of my life...yes i was quite hopeless on that day...i don't know from where to start my story...but let me post my last story.

I don't know from where to start...it's my 11th month nikkah anniversary. I am not married but my husband wants to divorce me. The reason was nothing but my past.

 He knew everything before we get committed. He accepted me with all my goods and bads and now he regrets. My Allah knows that i leave everything for him. It was just a revenge which someone else takes from me and now he believes it was truth. He is now going to show all our relatives the things which are not true. He said "I will show them ur character then divorce you".

All i want is to die. I wish Allah will take away my soul. I cannot bear this pain. I cannot even breathe. I donot have any friend which could heard me. My family blames me. I am losing my life. I gonna suicide. Yes i want to die. I wish he could read this after my death. 


  • I'm so sorry your going through this. I wish you the best

    Nov 29, 2018

  • Jul 18, 2020

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