Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Drama
She was holding a cheerleader outfit. I stared at her in disbelief and said " No way am I becoming a cheerleader!" She looked at me for ages but never said anything. After a while she looked away and walked off to the other girls.
I sat on a bench by the track watching the cheerleaders practice but after a while I got bored and started reading again.
During English class we were put into pairs and I got put with the popular girl. Of course. When we were given our English book she said "my name is Jessica." I look at the table ahead of us to see two cheerleaders snickering and looking at something. I peered past their heads to see my reading book! I shouted "Hey that's mine!" The didn't respond. The popular girl noticed that they had my book and she said "give that back." They turned around instantly and gave it back to me.
In science class I had to sit next to a boy. Ew. He looked horrible, he smelled horrible and spoke in a deep voice with often voice cracks. It was probably the most annoying thing that has happened to me. Then I continued working.