Category : Articles
Sub Category : Spirituality
Actually I am once again made to write here to answer another reader's comment. It is the closing time for me but it is also important to say that GAPS IN RELIGIOUS BOOKS MATTERS A LOT.
If you follow something it is like moving on a road with a map in hand, if the map doesn't shows the way and shows a hump and then joins you to another lane, will you accept it. If GOOGLE MAP shows a direction to a destination and in between due to server error or some technical problem if you won't get the direction for your journey will you praise GOOGLE or will scold him.
It is the right of each follower of any religion to know each and every aspect of his following correctly so that he or she can defend to anyone. My question are not mine but it is asked by a reader like you, like this many people around the world are confused that why the stories in all their religion books looks incomplete and fantasy fiction because if you talk about something you shouldn't shout but should say politely, just by shouting on a matter can you make false affirmations true, is it possible?
What is wrong in questioning the religious old custom and tradition if you find something wrong in that? It's no new thing even prior to me many have questioned it in many debates worldwide which is yet to be answered.
So there is nothing wrong in that person asking that question because he is clueless and even BIBLE is clueless so what he does he asks someone and tries to get an solution. It is bad to hide loopholes because later on it might turn out as greatest defects, so for me GAPS MATTER A LOT.