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Sub Category : Spirituality
This question is asked by one of the enthusiastic guy named jasper, Eowyn carpenter. This person questions are strange but it has a point.
His question was IF ADAM AND EVE HAD 2 MALES FROM WHERE WOULD THEY GET BRIDES FOR THEIR CHILDREN? I guess it is not this persons mistake, as I have said earlier all the religious books, let it be BIBLE, QURAN, GITHA, VEDA, GURUNAMA or any books they have taken only those sources that is important or most concerned meaning most important one that suites them and have tailor made it according to their ways.
If you take Bible, it says about GOD, HIS SON AND HOLY SPIRIT. If you take quran it speaks about ALLAH AND HIS PROPHETS. If you take GITHA, VEDA or any Vedic books it speaks about 3 great persons. Like this each book has got divided into various streams and gives limited access to contents.
No book can say it is cent percent, each one is interdependent and if we truly BELIEVE IN ALMIGHTY GOD then we won't find any difference between books and will try to know the truth rather than sticking to one particular aspect.
So if the BIBLE hasn't mentioned any such things like after Adam and eve banishment from paradise or heaven then we can search it in QURAN, if we still don't get ( both the starting stories of BIBLE QURAN is utmost the same, so you will get the same answer) anything, then if we go by vedas it will speak about those 3 forces namely GENERATOR, ORGANISER and DESTROYER created by 1 single woman considered as the UNIVERSAL MOTHER.
Sometimes I feel that without a male how it is possible possible for this lady to produce 3 forces but as we all know that this types of creation is created by ALMIGHTY GOD directly from HIS strength, so obviously those who come out of ALMIGHTY GOD by any ways will have some aspects of GOD'S grace with them.
Even the Bible hasn't given or described anything about LILITH and says directly that she joined the SATAN and so on. But the same bible which calls SATAN has the present devil also admits that HE was the highest authority next to ALMIGHTY GOD.
So it has brought CHRIST to notice and has made JESUS has a angel who was also present with LUCIFER but failed to say what was CHRIST there and what was HIS name and why HE wasn't as powerful as LUCIFER.
People just believe in stories passed from generations and stick to it. They don't try to find out lots of lost mysteries in BIBLE. They simply accept what is in the book, for example, if it says JESUS is the only righteous person, you say yes and if it says LUCIFER is bad you say yes but you all need to know one thing IT IS ALMIGHTY GOD WHO DECIDES EVERYTHING, TODAY IF BIBLE IS MOST POWERFUL RELIGIOUS BOOK tomorrow something else might over take it because everyone know that before BIBLE we had other religious books what you call it HAS OLD TESTAMENTS.
OK, if I start about this it is tough to finish because it never ends, so I guess let me put a stop. I often get bored but it is the strange questions of readers that makes me to answer their curious queries. I guess though not complete but it has something to say.
Have a good day.